Have you met Daniel?

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    • #466610
      Dahlia Ambrose
        • https://www.instagram.com/livingsta/
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        This time around we get to know a little more about Daniel, @drkrueger22

        • Tell us a little about yourself and your photography journey

        I’ve been involved with photography since my early years in high school in the 1980s. I started with an old 35mm camera and learned the art of B&W processing in the school’s darkroom. Since then I’ve been puttering around with my own photographs for many years, but over the past 2 years I’ve really taken a sharp interest in composition and improving my skills both technical and creative. Photography for me is an escape from the work-a-day world of software development and allows me to see the world at my own pace though my own camera.

• What is your favourite subject to shoot & why?

        I’m always looking for shots, my passion is landscape and close-up, color and B&W, kind of an odd mix, but it brings me joy and that’s really all that matters.  I have trouble with portraits so I don’t have many in my portfolio.

        • Where do you live?

        I live in Minneapolis, Minnesota and there are a ton of places to visit, from city to shores of Lake Superior to the open prairies out west and I want to capture them all. My favorite places are the prairies of western Minnesota and South Dakota. I grew up in North Dakota and I remember driving to Milwaukee as a child to visit relatives and watching the landscapes pass me by. There is something so peaceful in the broad big sky vistas of the prairies and plains.

        • What got you interested in photography?

        I’m not sure why or how I got interested in photography, I mean there wasn’t a pivotal moment that marked the beginning of the journey, but there was always a passion to tell and show others where I had been.

        • How long you have had an interest in photography? 
How would you describe your photographic journey to date?

        I started in high school and eventually took a B&W class in college, but the rest is experimentation, books and now YouTube and sharing my photos with anyone that will take a look! I remember in grade school we took a trip to Washington D.C and I must have taken over a hundred photos – (back in 1985 that was a lot of rolls of film! – my kids have no concept of rationing your shots for your roll of film) 😀 .  I wanted to document and share my experience for my family and have then experienced what I felt at those places.

        •  How do you maintain inspiration?

        I maintain my inspiration by searching the web for other people’s photographs; not one particular person, anyone really, anyone with the passion and desire to capture what they see and share it with those who want to share in the experience. I look for places I’ve been to see how others captured the place, or places I want to visit to inspire me when I get there.

        • If people want to follow more of your work where should they go?



        • Provide links to 3 or 4 of your favourite images that can be displayed with the interview

        The first is of Minnehaha Falls in Minneapolis. It was my first attempt at long exposure. I’m really proud of the photo and my post-processing.

        The second is of Crystal Lake near Ludington, MI. This is special because this is the campground my family visits each year. Here is a picture at sunset.

        Here is my son when he was small.

        And here is my daughter.

        Foggy Farm Field:

        And Lake Superior at Gooseberry Falls State Park:

        And two more of my favorite!

        cc: @admin


        Here is a list of our members who were featured in the past if you would love to read. I have attached a link to their profile and their interview.

        If you were featured before but not here in the list, please accept my apologies and leave a comment. I will look again, find the link and add it here! 🙂

        Diane Wehr   @albirder : Introducing Diane Wehr

        Tobie   @tobiepsg : Introducing Tobie

        Rob Eyers  @reyers   : Introducing Rob Eyers

        Duncan Stewart  @falxy : Introducing the Falx

        John Thompson  @nikon-nut : Introducing Nikon nut 

        Valery  @valeryp  : Introducing Valery

        Tom Dinning  @tomdinning : Introducing Tom Dinning

        Christina Brown  @Chrissiebee : Introducing Chrissie Bee

        Bobbie  @bobbie : Introducing Bobbie

        Gordon James  @gordonjames : Introducing Gordon James

        Chris Pook  @chrispook  : Have you met Chris Pook?

        Erik Fransman  @erik-fransman : Have you met Erik Fransman?

        Gary Zerbst  @garyzerbst  : Have you met Gary Zerbst?

        Allen Furst  @3pco : Have you met Allen Furst?

        Jim  @Mistyisle : Have you met Jim?

        Frogdaily  @frogdaily : Have you met Frogdaily?

        Robert Apple  @robertapple : Have you met Robert Apple?

        Steve Matten  @stevematten : Have you met Steve Matten?

        Cornelia Acorn  @corneliaacorn : Have you met Cornelia Acorn?

        Gray B  @grayb : Have you met Gray B?

        Dahlia Ambrose  @dahliaambrose : Have you met Dahlia Ambrose?

        Patrick @patrickw : Have you met Patrick?

        Dave  @pentaxfan : Have you met Dave?

        Peter  @peternowak : Have you met Peter?

        Beaky @ozride : Have you met Beaky?

        Graham Hart @diripics : Have you met Graham?


      • #466651
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          Thanks for another great interview, Dahlia and Daniel!

        • #466671
          Pat Garrett
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            I really enjoy these interviews very much.

          • #466690
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              Thank you Dahlia 🙂

              Great reading more about you and your photography Daniel , lovely images thanks for sharing mate.

            • #466709
              Federico Alegria
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                Thanks to you both Dahlia and Daniel, this has been a refreshing reading on photography! And those photographs are beautiful.

              • #466711
                Rob Wood (Admin)
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                  Very cool. Love this series. And good to know more about you, Daniel!

                • #466810
                  Rob Eyers
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                    Always great to get know more about other Lightstalkers and their journey. Thanks for doing this Daniel and thanks for continuing with this feature Dahlia.

                  • #468246
                    Dahlia Ambrose
                      • https://www.instagram.com/livingsta/
                      • https://www.flickr.com/photos/livingsta/
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                      Thank you everyone. Good to know that you are enjoying these interviews as much as I enjoy doing them 🙂

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                  About Author

                  Dahlia is one of the staff writers at Light Stalking and besides writing, she also responds to customer queries, schedules social media posts and helps with product development. Get to know her better here.