Have you met David?

  • This topic has 17 replies, 8 voices, and was last updated 12mo ago by Marty E.
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    • #478008
      Dahlia Ambrose
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        This time around we learn a little more about David, @dchester1001

        • Tell us a little about yourself and your photography journey.

        Where do you live?

        Right now I live in Brisbane (Australia) – an interesting place for nature photographers
        as it is where the tropics and the temperate zones overlap. That means we get a wide
        variety of animals and insects to stalk and photograph.

        My wife and I are planning a move to Tasmania within the next few years.

        Hobbies & interests?

        Aside from photography I breed snakes, and have two Devon Rex cats.
        I love cooking, whale watching, air shows, enjoy gardening and recently took up cycling.

        How long have you had an interest in Photography?

        A long time!

        I got my first camera in 1970 – a Kodak instamatic 126. My first 35mm camera came
        along in 1973 – a Ricoh Rangefinder 500 with bouncemaster flash. In 1982 I bought my
        first SLR – an Olympus OM-10 with 50mm f1.4 lens.

        What got you interested in photography?

        Growing up my dad used to shoot home movies all the time. That was never my thing,
        but it got me interested in camera’s. Once I moved to 35mm, he helped me setup a dark
        room, complete with wet bench and all. I am always driven to the technical side of
        things, and this certainly has helped me maintain that interest (passion? Obsession?)
        over the years.

        • What is the best advice you have received so far regarding photography?

        ‘Use the camera you already have’. For many of us, and me included there is always an
        urge to get that next camera, or lens or piece of kit. In reality, if we don’t understand the
        basics and how to use what we already have it can be a waste of money.

        These days I have to have a solid purpose in mind for any new camera equipment I buy,
        and that is helping me to rationalise (down-size) the gear I own.

        • How do you maintain inspiration?

        I shoot with a few different groups and each outing will be a different location, or have a different focus to the last. I learn something from everyone that I can, and we have fun.

        I also run workshops from time to time to introduce photographers of all abilities to my personal obsessions!

        • What is your favourite subject to shoot & why?

        Easy – waterdrops. I love the challenge of shooting clear water – the lighting is difficult, but it’s rewarding when you get it right.

        I have been obsessed with water drops and splash photography ever since I saw a copy of ‘A study of Splashes’ by A.M. Worthington in 1981. I was amazed at the photo’s he achieved in the very early 1900’s and absolutely had to try them. In 1982 I built both a timber stand, and a photogate electrical circuit to do just that!

        Basically a drop of milk was released and would pass through a photo sensor which would trigger a flash on a variable delay. Once setup all lights had to be out, the camera shutter opened on BULB mode, and a drop released. I would fine tune the delay between each drop hoping to catch something interesting like a Worthington jet or a crown. The next day the film would be dropped in to the lab to be processed and the waiting game began. Between three and five days later I would get to see what I had achieved – quite often there would be disappointment and nothing worth showing, but just occasionally there would be something magical there.

        My first Worthington jet image (1982)

        As for splash photography, that has been an obsession ever since I saw a copy of ‘A study of Splashes’ by A.M. Worthington in 1981. I was amazed at the photo’s he achieved in the very early 1900’s and absolutely had to try them. In 1982 I built both a timber stand, and a photogate electrical circuit to do just that!

        Basically a drop of milk was released and would pass through a photo sensor which would trigger a flash on a variable delay. Once setup all lights had to be out, the camera shutter opened on BULB mode, and a drop released. I would fine tune the delay between each drop hoping to catch something interesting like a Worthington jet or a crown. The next day the file would be dropped in to the lab to be processed and the waiting game began. Between three and five days later I would get to see what I had achieved – quite often there would be disappointment and nothing worth showing, but just occasionally there would be something magical there.

        Over the years I built a number of different rigs to try and improve my captures. Each had  improvements over its predecessor. Some had auto focus circuits and camera triggers, but in every case they relied on a drop of liquid being manually released and passing through a photogate. It was still a very hit and miss affair, with no guarantee of getting usable images in any session.

        In 2014 I acquired a commercial water drop kit, far more sophisticated than anything I had used before. This kit had a solenoid that allowed multiple drops to be co-ordinated such that collisions formed.

        Over the years I built a number of different rigs to try and improve my captures. Each had  improvements over its predecessor. Some had auto focus circuits and camera triggers, but in every case they relied on a drop of liquid being manually released and passing through a photogate. It was still a very hit and miss affair, with no guarantee of getting usable images in any session.

        In 2014 I acquired a commercial water drop kit, far more sophisticated than anything I had used before. This kit had a solenoid that allowed multiple drops to be co-ordinated such that collisions formed.

        • Do you have a favourite type of photography?

        I dabble in all things photography, macro, landscapes, astro photography, HDR, weddings, studio and portraits, but my two passions are light painting, and water drop photography. That takes me from one extreme to the other – from long exposures of up to 8 minutes duration, to high-speed exposures that are anything from 1/19,000 to 1/32,000 second.

        Since our Covid-19 forced lockdown last March I have really concentrated on macro, and now have one camera set up permanently for macro photography. It is amazing how many small and interesting creatures my garden has in it!

        • How would you describe your photographic journey to date?

        I am largely self-taught. Though I did do a few workshops and short courses on portraiture and studio lighting techniques. I read a lot and learn by trial and error.

        • Are you currently involved with any photography projects? If so, what?

        I have built a 6 valve drop controller, and am now building a stand that will let me have things like multi-coloured liquids for the drops, or a puff of air from the side to add a further dimension to my splash photography obsession.

        • If you could only use one camera/lens combination for a year, which would you choose?

        Easy! My macro setup – Olympus OM-D EM1ii with 60mm f2.8 macro lens, 10mm and 16mm macro extension tubes, Godox TT350o flash and Cygnustech v2 diffuser.

• What is your favorite image right now?

        o Yours?

        A robber fly that stayed still long enough for me to get 4 images.

        o Someone else’s?

        Denis Smith’s ball of light.

        • Is there a photographer that inspires you?

        Corrie White – the queen of waterdrops

        • What is your biggest challenge when it comes to photography?

        Time! My job as an IT manager for a large rail freight organisation is quite demanding.

        • Is there anything specific you intend to learn or improve in your photography?

        I intend to work on improving my portraiture photography, and how to pose subjects.

        • If people want to follow more of your work where should they go?

        • Anything else you would like to add about yourself that we haven’t covered here?

        Only that I have had the opportunity to meet up with a couple of the light stalking community – I would encourage others to create or make the opportunity to do the same. It is rewarding to meet those we interact with regularly online.

        • Provide links to some of your favourite images that can be displayed with the interview

        The Motorcycle: Design, Art, Desire

        Mopsus mormon – male

        Liquid Art

        Oil in water with an air bubble injected between the oil and water layers.

        Jumping Spiders – Opisthoncus nigrofemoratus

        Jumping Spider – Cosmophasis micarioides – female

        cc: @admin

        Here is a list of our members who were featured in the past if you would love to read. I have attached a link to their profile and their interview.

        Diane Wehr   @albirder : Introducing Diane Wehr

        Tobie   @tobiepsg : Introducing Tobie

        Rob Eyers  @reyers   : Introducing Rob Eyers

        Duncan Stewart  @falxy : Introducing the Falx

        John Thompson  @nikon-nut : Introducing Nikon nut 

        Valery  @valeryp  : Introducing Valery

        Tom Dinning  @tomdinning : Introducing Tom Dinning

        Christina Brown  @Chrissiebee : Introducing Chrissie Bee

        Bobbie  @bobbie : Introducing Bobbie

        Gordon James  @gordonjames : Introducing Gordon James

        Chris Pook  @chrispook  : Have you met Chris Pook?

        Erik Fransman  @erik-fransman : Have you met Erik Fransman?

        Gary Zerbst  @garyzerbst  : Have you met Gary Zerbst?

        Allen Furst  @3pco : Have you met Allen Furst?

        Jim  @Mistyisle : Have you met Jim?

        Frogdaily  @frogdaily : Have you met Frogdaily?

        Robert Apple  @robertapple : Have you met Robert Apple?

        Steve Matten  @stevematten : Have you met Steve Matten?

        Cornelia Acorn  @corneliaacorn : Have you met Cornelia Acorn?

        Gray B  @grayb : Have you met Gray B?

        Dahlia Ambrose  @dahliaambrose : Have you met Dahlia Ambrose?

        Patrick @patrickw : Have you met Patrick?

        Dave  @pentaxfan : Have you met Dave?

        Peter  @peternowak : Have you met Peter?

        Beaky @ozride : Have you met Beaky?

        Graham Hart @diripics : Have you met Graham?

        Daniel Krueger @drkrueger22: Have you met Daniel?

        Jasenka @jasenkag : Have you met Jasenka?

        Astaroth @astaroth : Have you met Astaroth?

        Joanne Van Praag @vanpraag : Have you met Joanne?

        Leanne Cleaveley @leannecleaveley : Have you met Leanne?


      • #478011
        Federico Alegria
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          Oh my, this was a really interesting reading, thanks @dahliaambrose for another great interview; and David, I would love to see some of those snakes 🙂!

          • #478310
            Dahlia Ambrose
              • https://www.instagram.com/livingsta/
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              You’re welcome Federico 🙂

          • #478024
            David Chesterfield
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              Thanks so much @dahliaambrose and @federicoalegria.

              I just realised i talk about my passion for light painting, and I didn’t include a single photo! So here’s a couple:






              • #478311
                Dahlia Ambrose
                  • https://www.instagram.com/livingsta/
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                  You’re welcome David 🙂

              • #478106
                Rob Wood (Admin)
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                  • #478630
                    David Chesterfield
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                      Thanks Rob! 🙂

                  • #478197
                    Pat Garrett
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                      @dchester1001 This was so very interesting, Dahlia and David. I appreciate knowing about other’s interests and journeys. David, I wish I weren’t half a world away as I’d love to take one of your classes. Your attention to detail is impeccable – your light painting is what first captured my attention on LS. I’ve never known anyone who bred snakes…a most interesting hobby.

                      • #478313
                        Dahlia Ambrose
                          • https://www.instagram.com/livingsta/
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                          You’re welcome Pat 🙂

                        • #478631
                          David Chesterfield
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                            Thanks Pat. 🙂

                        • #478201
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                            Great interview Dahlia thank you so much 🙂

                            Lovely reading about your journey with photo making David , your photos are always very eye catching and technically superb , like Pat when i joined Ls i was blown away with your waterdrop collisions and still am and your macro photos just keep getting better and they were already seriously good.

                            Much appreciate you taking the time to let us all know a little more about you and your works mate cheers ..enjoyed the read very much 🙂

                            • #478315
                              Dahlia Ambrose
                                • https://www.instagram.com/livingsta/
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                                You’re welcome Patrick 🙂

                              • #478632
                                David Chesterfield
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                                  @patrickw thanks so much!

                              • #478596
                                Rose Marie
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                                  You’re on a very interesting photography journey, David. I love your images, and your work with water drops is impressive. Being relatively new to LS, I hadn’t seen them before. Thanks for sharing.

                                  • #478633
                                    David Chesterfield
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                                      Thank you @rgatscha. They are an obsession of mine… 🙂

                                  • #521179
                                    Rob Wood (Admin)
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                                      Just bumping this for folks who’d like a reread.

                                    • #521200
                                      Federico Alegria
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                                        great moment to read this again!

                                      • #521205
                                        Marty E
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                                          Thanks the bump, Rob! It’s great seeing some of David’s favorite images. And I must say I love David’s awesome macros of insect and spiders. You get a real appreciation for their unique beauty and personalities.

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                                      About Author

                                      Dahlia is one of the staff writers at Light Stalking and besides writing, she also responds to customer queries, schedules social media posts and helps with product development. Get to know her better here.