Have you met Greg?

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    • #485043
      Dahlia Ambrose
        • https://www.instagram.com/livingsta/
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        This time around we learn a little more about Greg, @glegg

        • Tell us a little about yourself and your photography journey.

        I am a retired Info Tech person who realized about five years ago that I not only like art, I also enjoy my attempts at producing it. This was not the case with my IT career.

        o Where do you live 

        Quincy, Illinois, USA is where I grew up, a small town of about 40,000. We are on the Mississippi River, which gives me some material for photography. Other than that, it’s boring corn and bean fields as far as the eye can see.

        o Hobbies & interests?

        Computer gaming, reading about current events and politics.

        o How long you have had an interest in photography

        My first memory of anything related to photography was at three or four years old interacting with those old blue flashbulbs after Dad pushed the button on the back of the flash reflector and happily ejected the hot-as-fire bulb in a random direction — possibly at me. Ah, the sixties — a wonderland of dangerous, iffy practices of all kinds. Then I didn’t pick up a camera for decades until about fifteen years ago, when I bought a Sony Something-or-other DSLR.

        • What is the best advice you have received so far regarding photography?

        Jim Richardson supposedly said “If you want to be a better photographer, stand in front of more interesting stuff.” That helped. Also, when someone told me to get closer to my subject to discover fine details, it really clicked in my mind. But my favorite place to get advice is the Shark Tank, where I’ve learned a great deal of what I know. Diane (@Tersha) deserves credit for steering me to the Vanitas style of still lifes, after attempting a still life that didn’t turn out well. There have been many people on this site who provided me with constructive criticism and encouragement. I appreciate their help.

        • How do you maintain inspiration?

        Most of the year, I have my father’s garden nearby supplying me with all the flowers I can handle. The flowers usually have some fine detail that some may not see upon casual inspection. I also try to limit my unreasonable expectations of my photography. I’m resigned to occasionally producing things of little interest to anyone. It happens.

        • What is your favourite subject to shoot & why?

        Flowers. I like to try and raise textures and patterns that are easy to miss unless you look closely. I also like old, dilapidated, wooden barns. They are disappearing in the Midwest (USA), and the much less attractive, newer style buildings are replacing them.

• Do you have a favourite type of photography?

        Still life. I guess that is most of what I photograph. I have dipped a toe into macro, black & white, and a few landscapes.

        • How would you describe your photographic journey to date?

        My journey has been a series of mistakes corrected by someone with more knowledge and experience than I resulting in my photography getting better. Occasionally I figure it out all by myself. The path has included one photography class and my positive experience with the Sharktank. One person who stands out is my eighty year old mother who was an interior designer and currently functions as my advisor and head cheerleader.

        • Are you currently involved with any photography projects? If so, what?

        Old, dilapidated barns. These old ghosts are coming down, gradually or in a couple day’s time. They remind me of a time when farms were a family affair and not giant corporations. It’s a race against time before they all disappear.

        • If you could only use one camera/lens combination for a year, which would you choose?

        I have little knowledge of high end camera equipment brands. Right now I’m using a Canon EOS 90D with a Canon EF 100mm f/2.8L Macro lens.

• What is your favorite image right now?

        The link should take you to Sunil’s 500px image: Sentinels Of Darkness

        I love the young owl peeking at us from behind its staring mother’s left shoulder.

• Is there a photographer that inspires you?

        There are many, but one who stands out in my mind is a local artist whose work I discovered at my doctor’s office a few years ago. Her name is Toni Taylor. She shoots some of her  images locally here in Quincy.

        • What is your biggest challenge when it comes to photography?

        I tend to rush when I shoot instead of carefully following a process to check for things like exposure, distractions, and composition. It may be a good idea to grab a checklist again when I’m shooting. Also, I want to mention post-processing here — mainly because it can take me hours to process a photo. I may break down and purchase some Photoshop training.

        • Is there anything specific you intend to learn or improve in your photography?

        Using layers in Photoshop. I have used them before for focus-stacking and a few other things, but it seems like one can do some amazing things with layers and I at least want to learn about them, even if I don’t end up using them much. I also want to learn how to use luminosity masks.

• If people want to follow more of your work where should they go?

• Provide links to 3 or 4 of your favourite images that can be displayed with the interview

        Implement Bouquet

        The Party’s Over

        Black and White Dahlia

        Photography has been a growth experience. String enough growth experiences together, and I tend to experience happiness more often. 🙂

        cc: @admin

        Here is a list of our members who were featured in the past if you would love to read. I have attached a link to their profile and their interview.

        Diane Wehr   @albirder : Introducing Diane Wehr

        Tobie   @tobiepsg : Introducing Tobie

        Rob Eyers  @reyers   : Introducing Rob Eyers

        Duncan Stewart  @falxy : Introducing the Falx

        John Thompson  @nikon-nut : Introducing Nikon nut 

        Valery  @valeryp  : Introducing Valery

        Tom Dinning  @tomdinning : Introducing Tom Dinning

        Christina Brown  @Chrissiebee : Introducing Chrissie Bee

        Bobbie  @bobbie : Introducing Bobbie

        Gordon James  @gordonjames : Introducing Gordon James

        Chris Pook  @chrispook  : Have you met Chris Pook?

        Erik Fransman  @erik-fransman : Have you met Erik Fransman?

        Gary Zerbst  @garyzerbst  : Have you met Gary Zerbst?

        Allen Furst  @3pco : Have you met Allen Furst?

        Jim  @Mistyisle : Have you met Jim?

        Frogdaily  @frogdaily : Have you met Frogdaily?

        Robert Apple  @robertapple : Have you met Robert Apple?

        Steve Matten  @stevematten : Have you met Steve Matten?

        Cornelia Acorn  @corneliaacorn : Have you met Cornelia Acorn?

        Gray B  @grayb : Have you met Gray B?

        Dahlia Ambrose  @dahliaambrose : Have you met Dahlia Ambrose?

        Patrick @patrickw : Have you met Patrick?

        Dave  @pentaxfan : Have you met Dave?

        Peter  @peternowak : Have you met Peter?

        Beaky @ozride : Have you met Beaky?

        Graham Hart @diripics : Have you met Graham?

        Daniel Krueger @drkrueger22: Have you met Daniel?

        Jasenka @jasenkag : Have you met Jasenka?

        Astaroth @astaroth : Have you met Astaroth?

        Joanne Van Praag @vanpraag : Have you met Joanne?

        Leanne Cleaveley @leannecleaveley : Have you met Leanne?

        David Chesterfield @dchester1001 : Have you met David?

        Patricia Garrett @PAToGraphy : Have you met Pat?

        Beth @loki : Have you met Beth?

        Elin @elax : Have you met Elin?

      • #485064
        Federico Alegria
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          First to comment! Thanks Dahlia for letting us know Greg better, I’m an absolute fan of your still-lifes mate @glegg, especially due to the subtle lighting you use, they always remind me of Flemish paintings.

          • #485457
            Dahlia Ambrose
              • https://www.instagram.com/livingsta/
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              You’re welcome Federico 🙂

          • #485084
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              Thank you so much Dahlia , Enjoyed reading as always 🙂

              Hi Greg nice to read a little more about you and your photography journey to date , your old farm barns sounds a really good idea and i hope to see some of your work when you finish the task of shooting  them , thanks for posting your flower photos they look great , good to see you make good use of ST as well mate.

              Thanks again to you both for taking the time to share a few Words with us 🙂

              • #485458
                Dahlia Ambrose
                  • https://www.instagram.com/livingsta/
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                  You’re welcome Patrick 🙂

              • #485087
                  • https://instagram.com/the_queen_of_poppies
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                  What a great interview! I enjoy Greg’s still life shots a lot and I was happy to learn more about him.

                • #485118
                  Pat Garrett
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                    I really enjoy these interviews. and learning something about the people behind the posts. Congratulations @glegg

                  • #485119
                      • https://www.flickr.com/photos/greghaab/
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                      Thanks very much for your kind words, everyone. I value my experience with this site and everyone who has helped inspire me along the way.


                      • #485148
                        Federico Alegria
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                          Keep going mate, I’m sure in a couple of years you’ll be crafting exquisite fine-art level images.

                      • #486049
                          • elinlaxdal1
                          • https://www.flickr.com/photos/40843248@N07/
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                          Thank you for another great interview Dahlia. Great to know more about you Greg ! Love your stunning still-life photos. Look forward to see more from you.

                          • #486114
                            Dahlia Ambrose
                              • https://www.instagram.com/livingsta/
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                              You’re welcome Elin 🙂

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                        About Author

                        Dahlia is one of the staff writers at Light Stalking and besides writing, she also responds to customer queries, schedules social media posts and helps with product development. Get to know her better here.