I'm a newbie

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    • #160015
      Alison Jarvis
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        • Posts:14

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        You and me both, and yes totally agree, a great opportunity to get feedback from those that know more than you (& me!)

      • #160009
        Sue Ambrosino
          • Allows Edits: Yes
          • Posts:1

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          Hi everyone,
          i just joined the shark tank and am hoping to go through the entire website in order to learn more about this art of photography.
          i’ve had a nikon d80 for about 6 or 7 years, but it sat idle for a few of those years. we travel in a motor home and i decided to use the camera and take it off Automatic mode…took a few classes, joined a photography club and started scouring the web for information.
          We traveled through Alaska, the Yukon and British Columbia this summer (still on that adventure!) and was very fortunate to have met a few experienced photographers.
          i now feel i learned so much. I shoot in Manual mode and my pictures are so different now than they were when we first started our journey.
          i will submit some to the shark tank and hope that people critique them so i can learn from others…
          looking forward to sharing the journey with you all,

          CC: @admin

        • #160013
          David Chesterfield
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            Sue, @Sueambrosino – Welcome to lightstalking.
            The shark tank is a great place to learn – if you’re game.
            Look forward to seeing some of your images.

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