tom dinning replied to the topic Composition discussion thread. in the forum General Photo Chit Chat 10y, 9mo ago
Poor @michael-lloyd
Lets hope he can’t sing. He’d be way off key, as usual, although his poetry gives a sense of the virtual.
Back at the turn of the 19th century (yes, before my time, but still close enough to identify with it), a very smart man once said “Nothing is new. From this point on,[science] discoveries will simply be variations on…[Read more] -
tom dinning replied to the topic Let's talk about movement in the forum General Photo Chit Chat 10y, 9mo ago
The sense of sight is complex. The brain has many visual centres. The area designated for movement is quite distinct from that of tone and colour. For those who are unable to see movement, nothing really replaces it. Nevertheless, we can represent movement in our photographs in many ways. This is one of them, Rebecca. Three cheers for you. Check It Out
tom dinning replied to the topic Doing Weddings in the forum General Photo Chit Chat 10y, 9mo ago
What’s with the rope thing? Are they trying to get the groom into the ceremony? Or maybe its Duncan, ’cause he’s been asked to be the prime shooter at the wedding.
If you do a good job regularly there’s some cash in the job but personally I wouldn’t touch another one with a chair, revolver and whip. When I was young and stupid and greedy it was…[Read more] -
tomdinning uploaded a new picture: 20110724_2666.jpg 10y, 9mo ago
tomdinning commented on the post, The Ramblings of a Cynical Photographer 10y, 9mo ago
C’mon, Jason. You can do better than that. Tell us what you hit them with or what you actually say to them.
My favourite approaches to respond to include:
“What are you doing?” while pointing a D3 with something […] -
tom dinning replied to the topic Weekend Photography Challenge #182 Self Portrait in the forum Weekly Photography Challenge 10y, 9mo ago
Seems like a bunch of Aussies have migrated to this thread, like flies around a dunny.
We should form a breakaway group. All you need is to a maximum of six degrees of separation to a dingo.
Since that’s my nit-name, I’m claiming first degree.What’s your connection?Check It Out
tom dinning replied to the topic Sunday morning in the forum General Photo Chit Chat 10y, 9mo ago
Either way, @bugadrienne. Half depress shutter or back button. I can give you one reason for not using it. A dicky thumb as a result of injury and arthritis. I can just manage the control dial on the Nikon with it.
I was demonstrating the process with some students this week and it took me a great deal of restraint not to scream. Oh, to be young…[Read more] -
tom dinning replied to the topic Weekend Photography Challenge #182 Self Portrait in the forum Weekly Photography Challenge 10y, 9mo ago
Bloody hell! There are some ugly bastards out there. I don’t feel too bad.
Not you Crystal. I’ve been imagining myself as a mollusk all night.
Aaron, classic passport photo, or Most Wanted. You might need a few more D’s to make a difference.
Don, which one is the snake. Have you ever smelt snake shit? Not good!
Mickey, I’ll send you a food…[
tom dinning replied to the topic Sunday morning in the forum General Photo Chit Chat 10y, 9mo ago
Hi @karamen.
Never use manual focus for every day shots. Just pick what I want in focus and use focus lock if it’s outside the range of those little red squares in the frame. You’re talking to the laziest photographer on the planet.
Besides, it’s not the webs necessarily that need to be in focus. Or should be. Each to their own here. What sort…[Read more] -
tom dinning replied to the topic Weekend Photography Challenge #182 Self Portrait in the forum Weekly Photography Challenge 10y, 9mo ago
It has been a while, Dru, and I haven’t changed a bit. Even younger, perhaps.
tomdinning uploaded a new picture: Untitled2.jpg 10y, 9mo ago
tom dinning replied to the topic Composition discussion thread. in the forum General Photo Chit Chat 10y, 9mo ago
It’s bed time here. A good day was had by all.
You have good and solid purpose in what you think and do, Aaron. It will take you far and well.
I’ve trod my path and it’s been an interesting one. I occasionally try to pass on what I have learn to those who listen so they might consider where and when they step. My audience is now the masses.…[Read more] -
tom dinning replied to the topic Composition discussion thread. in the forum General Photo Chit Chat 10y, 9mo ago
Geez, I’ll be glad when I get my fucking glasses!Check It Out
tom dinning replied to the topic Composition discussion thread. in the forum General Photo Chit Chat 10y, 9mo ago
You don’t have to be free of the truth, whatever that is, or your memory. Someone more famous than me said there are two people in every photo; the photographer and the viewer. Like most the two infrequently meet to discuss their point of view or interpretation.
As for your part, we may take it a step further and say you are interpreting the…[Read more] -
tom dinning replied to the topic Composition discussion thread. in the forum General Photo Chit Chat 10y, 9mo ago
Sorry about the typos Aaron. Spell check has its own version it appears and I can’t read it. I get my new glasses today.Check It Out
tom dinning replied to the topic Composition discussion thread. in the forum General Photo Chit Chat 10y, 9mo ago
You must have me mixed up with that other Tom Dinning, Aaron @aarongeis. He’s got bits of paper for everything. I think he prints them himself. Or gets them from the bottom of cornflakes boxes. He’s also an arrogant prick who finds great satisfaction in stirring people. Don’t believe anything he tells you. He makes it all up. He also has this…[Read more]
tom dinning replied to the topic Composition discussion thread. in the forum General Photo Chit Chat 10y, 9mo ago
Here’s something to think about Aaron @aarongeis.
Firstly, I’m not having a go at you, although I was hoping, and am getting, a conversation from you. That’s got to be a good thing.
There are many ways to look at a photograph.
One way is to simply look for information. Treat the photo as a document containing detail from which you can see what…[Read more] -
tomdinning uploaded a new picture: 20110729_1225.jpg 10y, 9mo ago
tomdinning uploaded a new picture: _D3S3083.jpg 10y, 9mo ago
tom dinning replied to the topic Composition discussion thread. in the forum General Photo Chit Chat 10y, 9mo ago
Not bad, @aarongeis. You seem to follow the expected list.
One thing, though. What’s all that ‘I’ stuff? You need to loose a bit of your subjectivity and shrink your ego a bit hen answering questions. The question wasn’t about you. Irrelevant information about what you would have done with the photo doesn’t give you kudos.
Now let’s forget the…[Read more] - Load More