
  • sl33stak posted an update in the group Urban Photography: 13y, 3mo ago

    Hey everyone,

    I\’m new here as well. I\’m not sure if this is allowed or not, so if not please let me know and I won\’t make posts like this anymore.

    But I have a project going on It involves urbex (urban exploration) and it focuses (no pun intended) on the people who participate in urbex in order to make cool photos.

    Anyways, swing over and take a look if you get a minute, and if you could help out with a pledge, or by spreading the word for me that would be awesome!

    Oh, and here\’s one of MY urbex shots from Jackson Michigan.

    Room Of Requirements

    • Rob replied 13y, 3mo ago

      Very cool! I and a few other brave photogs have “entered” what we refer to as the undisclosed location. A treasure trove of photographic goodies of building decay. We neglected to bring a flash and flashlight. Always wanted to go back, but the air was rank of mold we all got headaches. Anyway, cool site.

      • Awesome! Glad you stopped by. I should post an update here that for those who make a pledge towards my project (even as little as $1) they will be entered to win a brand new Black Rapid RS-Sport! Pretty cool.