
  • happyjoy23 started the forum topic Help please!! in the group Light Stalking Group: 12y, 7mo ago

    Hello I’m 13 years old and I’m an aspiring photographer. lol that sounded funny. Anyways I really want to know the essentials to being a photographer. I know I don’t need a fancy camera but my digital camera makes me feel odd when I’m trying to take photos. So any suggestions for a good camera? […]

    • Hi, welcome. Take a time to know your camera well, read the manual, try out different possibilities, play with it. Then play some more and read again. In this world are many equipment nerds, but the truth is that there are many very good cameras for beginners and us less prophets and they do not have to be the most expencive.
      What I believe is most important is to be able to controll aperture and shutter (eaven just one at a time), and then different needs come ticking in like the possibility to take photos in raw format.
      But many of your needs will relateto what kind of photography you will find yourself in.
      Take your time to experiment and play and fool around with your camera, love your good shots and learn from the bad shots. Take a time to find out what camera you want and what kind of lences will be important for you.
      And here are a lot of people to learn from, for a grandma like me as well as a young person like you 🙂

    • Thanks for your support!!!! I really appreciate it. I need it because I don’t get a lot from other people. According to one guy at school “anybody can be a photographer.”