Introduce Yourself (Oct 30)

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    • #210479
      Rob Wood (Admin)
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        Hey, welcome to the site! This thread is to introduce yourself to the rest of the community with a few sentences about yourself!

        Iā€™ll go first.

        I am Rob Wood ā€“ the founder of Light Stalking. I got into photography because my mum was a very serious amateur photographer who was published in a few photography magazines when I was a kid. We even had a purpose built darkroom when I was young.

        My first SLR was the Canon AE-1 and I continued taking photography courses through high school and learned all about working in a darkroom at that time (both school and home).

        I always maintained a pretty strong interest in photography, but really started taking it seriously again when I combined my love of writing, photography and websites to build Light Stalking in 2009. At that point, I realised there was a LOT more to learn.

        Anyway, scroll to the bottom of the page and introduce yourself!


        PS ā€“ If you have any questions, they are probably answered in our FAQs. (Top of right column)


      • #210485
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          Hello, my name is Sondra. I am a graphic designer who got bored 5 years ago and picked up my son’s camera. I was fascinated with all the buttons and dials. Today, I have a small studio in my home. I shot portraits, sports, events and church photography. I have a Nikon D750 and Nikon D4S. The D4S is my favorite camera.


        • #210530
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            My name is Steve. I took up photography in 2003 following a serious cycling accident that led me to rethink my choice of recreational activities. A few months into my recovery, we visited our daughter and son-in-law who were living in England. With new slr in hand, I took a lot of pictures and was, for the most part, disappointed in them. I knew I could do better. The advent of digital, combined with frequent visits to my in-laws house at the beach, along with participation in a number of forums on the internet hooked me to this creative activity.

          • #210537
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              I enjoy photography but it’s only a hobby.
              I am still learning and value every tip that’s available.
              I have Lightroom and photoshop elements 13. I am more comfortable using Lightroom but still got a lot to learn. I find the topics on lightstalking helpful.

            • #210544
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                Hi! I am Dana. I’ve love photography for as long as I can remember. Received my first camera when I was six(Kodak 110 film) for xmas. In high school, I was a photographer for the school paper. First year in college, I completed a photography certificate. Then decided to put the camera down. Picked it back up after having kids. The last 3 years I’ve been strictly shooting on manual. I still have a lot to learn, but have a good understanding of the basics! Looking forward to learning from this forum: )

              • #210545
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                  Hi, I’m Larry J. Cancel (40yrs) from the sunny Puerto Rico!
                  Since I was a kid I grew a passion for art and photography, my mom had a film camera but she never let me touch it!

                  When started my working career I bought a digital Sony Mavica, I remember going to Disney with a box of floppy disks, lol, and then had a few point and shoot. A year ago a very good friend let me use her DSLR for a few months…HIGHLIGHT moment, got to spend hours daily on online tutorials and since february 2015 I became a proud owner of my all mine DSLR!! The photo counter is already thru 14k+. I do not edit my images, hope to learn in the near future when I can afford a good quality monitor and the Adobe CC.

                  I’m hoping to learn with all your critics!

                  Your new caribbean friend


                • #210560
                  Sandra Spicer
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                    Hi my name is Sandra and I am from Trinidad and Tobago
                    I am 54 years old but am new to DSLR photography I guess never to old to start something new
                    I did some photography back in the 1980’s before marriage and the kids with my MINOLTA
                    One day while talking to my younger son Nicholas I mentioned my interest in rekindling my love of photography and he was so eager I thought I would jump right back in
                    Unfortunately it took me a little longer to get started as I lost Nicholas when he drowned in 2012
                    I have finally decided to get started and purchased a Nikon D7200 and I have a second hand 55-200 mm lens
                    I hope to learn a great deal from this site as I have no official training what so ever
                    Looking forward to sharing with you all
                    New to the group Sandra

                  • #210597
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                      Hello, My name is ryuill, I’ve been making photographs since Jr High School, (1968), been thru many formats from 35mm to 5×7, went digital 10 years ago. I’m drawn to B&W industrial images, but also nature and landscapes. Completely self taught, and Have now realized I never had ‘it’ in the wet dark room. Can’t wait to see what you guys think of my images!

                    • #210637
                      Atif wahid
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                        Hi iam a wedding photographer and food photographer doing photography for last 15 years i took couple of photography course i got canon 5d mark 11 and tamron lens 2.8 28 to 75 lens

                      • #210671
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                          Hi I’m Al first involve in photography in the seventies with B&W prints using Pentax MX manual cameras. On retirement decided it was time revive my interest. Things have moved on so taking steps in the digital world, I am using a Pentax K3.

                        • #210695
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                            Hi, I am Herman D.J., retired an now I live in Belgium, before that I lived in Congo (ex ZaĆÆre), Uganda and Tanzania. Nature and macro are my favored diciplines.
                            Hope you all will enjoy my photography.
                            Greetings from Belgium.

                          • #210712
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                              A regular dude. Software engineer by day. Fascinated by photography and keen on getting it right. Finally graduated to DSLR Cannon 70D after using Sony mirror less and few other point and shoots

                            • #210756
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                                Hi, I am GP, I do photography as a hobby and used to do 35mm film back in the darkroom days and used to roll my own cartridges. We shot with no post editing and had to get it right in camera or waste hard earn cash. At the start of digital photography I hopped out and only joined back in recently. I am finding the digital a whole new learning curve and would love to learn as much as possible.

                              • #210760
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                                  Hi, I am Shenol, mechanical engineer and a hobby photographer. I got into the photography world with my first DSLR Canon 600D. I wanted to learn as much as possible so as to be able to express myself with it. I am still looking eagerly for any tips/ideas that I can learn. Besides digital photography,I am also infected with analogue photography that keeps my ambition alive! I began with Canon A1 and then I kept on adding Olympus OM-1 and Mamiya C220 cameras in my gear. I do love street photography and urban exploration.

                                • #210763
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                                    Hi all,
                                    I am a beginner, interested in capturing photos of animals, canines in particular. I have several black labradors and it is extremely difficult to obtain good photos of them! I have a Nikon D80. I own a boarding kennel and also work in fused glass. I am looking forward to learning.

                                  • #210774
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                                      My name is Josh; I am a high school student in Alabama. I use a Nikon D3300 with basic lens and occasionally my phone. I don’t have thousands of dollars to spend on fancy equipment, but I make the most of what I have. I love to take photos of all things.

                                    • #210858
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                                        My name is Jojo from the Philippines. I have always been interested in photography even as a kid. I grew up just dreaming of photography because I couldn’t afford that hobby. Now I hope to follow this dream with whatever equipment I can afford. My first dslr was a Canon 400d which I got from a friend. I am currently using a Canon 40D which is really my dream prosumer dslr. I am partial to protraits, both individual and family or group. Street photography seems to capture my fancy for the moment.

                                      • #210867
                                        Matthieu Hilckmann
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                                          Hi, my name is Matthieu and I am from Haarlem in the Netherlands. I am an amateur and a bit of a noob but I’m having loads of fun photographing all kinds of subjects.

                                          I have a Sony A300 with a telelens, a kitlens and a f1.8/50mm.

                                        • #210868
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                                            Hi, My name is Hazel. I’m 59 and live in North Devon, UK. I became interested in photography a couple of years ago. I have a Panasonic Lumix TZ60, and a Canon EOS 700D with 18-55mm kit lens, 50mm/F1.8 lens, Sigma 16-300mm lens and Sigma 105mm/F2.8 macro lens. I’m still a beginner, but learning as fast as I can. I’m drawn to macro, my pets and my young grandson, but hope to discover more areas of interest as I improve. I’m loving the learning experience.

                                          • #210873
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                                              I’m an old guy with a camera or two. Started with a Kodak Brownie, but didn’t get serious until I was in Europe when I bought a 35mm Konica, before my first Minolta SRT-101. Went away from photography for a long time, till I returned with digital some 15 years ago. Water, landscape, and community are my primary themes. Sometimes I spend more time thinking about photography than actually doing photography.

                                            • #210879
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                                                An amateur at best from PEI, Canada. I can spend hours roaming various photography sites and forums but love to see those that are kindly interactive. My first and only camera is a Canon T3i. I enjoy all types of photography and will point my lens at anything available when time permits šŸ™‚

                                                • #210908
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                                                    Hi, my name’s Ra-Ben. I’m an advertising professional and i’ve been interested in photography since college. But it’s only recently that i’ve got focussed about improving my own pictures. There’s plenty of subject matter around me that interests me – textures, landscapes, cityscapes & architecture, nature, macro – except, for some reason, people. I shoot primarily with my iPhone and an advanced compact (non-interchangeable lens camera) an Olympus XZ-2. This does place certain limitations on what I can and cannot capture but am enjoying the challenges that come with it. Plan to upgrade to the 4/3 standard, for it’s combination of compactness and image quality, sometime next year.

                                                • #210914
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                                                    Hello, my name is Rob Smith and I have been photographing for 45 years and virtually full time for the last 7 years. I photograph mostly nature. In addition I participate in 3 clubs and PPA and show in various galleries.
                                                    My shooting gear is primarily Canon including 1Dx and 5Dsr. I am reasonably proficient in Lightroom, Photoshop, NIK and Topaz.

                                                  • #210918
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                                                      Hi! My name is Jordan Spangenberg. I’m 15 years old, and just getting into photography. I’m considering dishing out some money for a Nikon D3200 as my first DSLR, but first want to get the feel for the photography world to make sure I’m all in.

                                                    • #210919
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                                                        Gregg Morris, journalism professor, writer, reporter who luvs photography, moving images. Right now using Nikon D7000 and D5100. Working on a project about the most dangerous neighborhood in New York City. Three books published. Other projects in the works.

                                                      • #210937
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                                                          My name is Tom, beginning photographer. I am currently using an advanced compact Sony rx100 m2.
                                                          Iā€™m here to learn as much as i can about all aspects of photography.

                                                        • #210939
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                                                            I’m Wada from Japan.
                                                            I’m exactly an amateur photography.I started to take and edit photos since retirement a couple of years ago. I found this in Flipboard with key word “Lightroom”, and felt this would be helpful for me. I wish to utilize ideas and recommendation os this site. I would like to say “thank you in advance”.
                                                            P.S. I’m not native in English, but expect you to be understandable.

                                                          • #210940
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                                                              I am Sanket from India. I have always been into amateur photography, being a regular trekker. I kept capturing images from the time my Dad taught me how to hold a camera.
                                                              I have followed lightstalking since a long time on FB and twitter but now I want to actually put into practice all tips and tricks provided here. As of now I own a bridge camera Canon SX40 HS, but will be soon buying my first DSLR. Primary interest is landscape photography.

                                                            • #210948
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                                                                Hello, I’m Alvin. In Junior College, 40yrs ago I shoot B&W with a borrowed Minolta Srt101 and a 50mm lens. I enjoyed it and others enjoyed my photos as well. Fast-forward (1970-2015) and I am back to the future with a new Sony a5100 and two kit lenses (the Costco bundle) and a Sigma 30mm F2.8 DN | A. We will just have to see where this newly re-kindled love of photography takes me in this digital age. This is a long ways from my closet darkroom and contact prints. I think it will be fun and rewarding. I intend to “focus” on outdoor photos, everything from landscape to the construction sites my inspection business takes me too.

                                                              • #210956
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                                                                  Hi my name is Sean, my fascination with photography began in the 70’s when I would shoot miniature scale model military dioramas I created with a Kodak 110. I would create all kinds of lighting effects to simulate an action scene and so on. From there I continued to create art in one form or another and photograph it until I realized what I really loved was the photography part. I self studied for a few years later on in life before I eventually graduated to my first SLR and then my passion really took off. These last five years or so I have been shooting professionally. Landscape and nature is my passion but shooting people pays the bills a little easier.

                                                                  • #210975
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                                                                      Welcome homie! I’m new too, so see you around!



                                                                  • #210995
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                                                                      I’m chuck, I have been taking pictures for many years. I mainly did breaking news/fire scene photography for years. Now I have started to take much more landscape and other types of photos. Having spent 35 years in AK, I really wish I had learned that there was more to photograph then fires and fire trucks. I carried my camera with me constantly, incase I came across “the big one” but missed many opportunities to enhance my craft and take photos in what is possibly one of the most beautiful places in the world.

                                                                      I am looking forward to learning more from the group and possibly sharing some shots for constructive criticism.

                                                                    • #210996
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                                                                        My name is Leesa. I am a begining photographer. Photography is a way for me to record beautiful and interesting images somewhere other than my brain. I have a Nikon D3200 and I have just barely aquainted myself with it. I have much to learn about photography terms and technics, my camera, and editing. I look forward to your help.

                                                                      • #211005
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                                                                          My name is Carlos. I’m an architect, but love photography. I really enjoy shooting and ‘manipulating’ pictures. My first camera ever was a Nikon F3, now it’s a Nikon D5200. I use Adobe Camera Raw, Photoshop and some plugins to post process my RAW photos. I really enjoy learning about photography… so, thanks a million.

                                                                        • #211011
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                                                                            Hi, lyse – I live in France – m’y camĆ©ra is a Nikon D 600 – I enjoy reading you, learning terms and Technics I’m self studiant (?) thank so much for your help
                                                                            It.s rƩally hard when you are alone. Thanks for all

                                                                          • #211025
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                                                                              Hey everyone! Photography is a hobby and a passion for me….I enjoy landscape photography the most. I have a Nikon D60 that still gets the job done for now. I just took a beginner’s class and it was very helpful. I can’t wait to learn more šŸ™‚

                                                                            • #211032
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                                                                                Hello. Photography is a want to be passion. All the options seem overwhelming and I’m looking forward to learning. I enjoy landscape and nature photography.

                                                                              • #211053
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                                                                                  I’m Elmer, I’ve been working for an architectural and interiors photographer for the last three years and I only got into photography after discovering that I had the talent for it. I love capturing Landscapes, architecture, interiors and food. I’m here cause I discovered that there is a lot for me to learn in terms of post processing….so….lets see what I get from Light Stalking!!!

                                                                                • #211070
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                                                                                    My name is Sam. I am a mum who loves to take photos of her kids. I have a canon 60D which I am trying to teach myself how to use. I also have lightroom 6, again teaching myself to use it. I’m here to learn everything I can.

                                                                                  • #211073
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                                                                                      Hi, I’m Mike and I’m a hobbyist in photography. I like to take photos and record beautiful things around me. Even when I’m not able to take photos, I still would like to observe most scenes I encounter photographically. I enjoy all genres of photography.

                                                                                    • #211074
                                                                                      Pranav Pandhare
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                                                                                        Hi,Hello everyone!!
                                                                                        Thanks to Rob for introduction.
                                                                                        My name is Pranav,20 years old,am in 3rd year of bachelors degree in computer science field and I live in India.Mainly I have Nikon D5200 with 18-55 kit lens.Engineering was never my field but for money’s sake I joined the degree course.Now after 3 years in this field am realizing that I have interest in photography field along with traveling. So I want to make career in it.So I’ve started learning photography on my own.I’m interested in landscape,street,travel and macro photography.I’m still a beginner and now I want help to improve my photography skills and to get a job in respective field.
                                                                                        So I’m here after few weeks from subscribing the newsletter of this site.I found this site interesting.
                                                                                        So, thanks a lot for help.Now I really want to learn everything in this field,thank you so much.

                                                                                      • #211082
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                                                                                          Thank you for the welcome Rob. My name is Keith, I’m retired and I have been interested in photography for just over 50 years, starting off using slide film, my first camera was second hand Praktica VFB, so that gives you a hint to my age!! Any way, I find My photography a very enjoyable and relaxing hobby, I have Canon 7D and a selection of lens and have just purchased a 430ll speed lite which I am now trying to learn how to get the best from it and my camera. So it’s never to late to learn, it just takes a bit longer.

                                                                                        • #211087
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                                                                                            Hi I’m Christopher from Greece and I met photography in a dark room back at 2005. Instantly I felt in love and bought my first slr Nikon Fm2.
                                                                                            I always want to learn more and I’m happy to find you.

                                                                                          • #211097
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                                                                                              Hi Im Jo from Josephine Gray Photography based near St Albans near London in UK. Thank you for this opportunity to introduce myself on here. I cannot remember a time when I have not owned and been around cameras. My parents ran a portrait photography business and I still remember the smell of the chemicals when I helped my dad develop film! About 5 years ago I decided to gain some formal training and have been hooked ever since! I set up my portrait photography business a few years ago and am still learning and still polishing my ‘style’. For me a photograph needs people in it and where possible show interaction or relationships with others. I judge my favourites by those photographs that give me goosebumps when I first look at them! Not very scientific but it works for me! My most more recent work is in pet photography as I have links to a local kennels and they have puppies graduating every 6 weeks from puppy obedience training courses and are offered a puppy portrait session – sometimes there is a lot more cuddling of puppies than photographing them as you can imagine! But for me the favourites are still the photographs of the pups with their owners so its back to people again! I would also like to photograph more weddings as this is my first season and so would be very keen to second shoot for any other wedding photographers that may be looking for a second shooter around the London and Home Counties area. Thank you for taking time to read this and looking forward to learning more about you all and Light Stalking. You can also find me on LinkedIn, and instagram, amazingjogray. OOps forgot to say, Nikon D700, Nikon D5300 and panasonic micro 4/3rds are the camera’s I use now. Thank you

                                                                                            • #211103
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                                                                                                Hi, my name is Ed. I got started in photography way back when I got a Kodak Brownie Hawkeye box camera when I was about 12 years old. Over the years, I’ve had a Canon FTb, Canon F1, Leica M6, Mamiya M6, and a Wista 4×5. Around 2000 I got my first digital camera, a Olympus 2020… I was hooked. Although I still have a darkroom and all the equipment, for the last 15 years it’s slowly been turned into a walk-in closet… with running water, no less! I currently use a Canon 5D Mark II with a variety of lenses. Post processing is done using Lightroom CC. I’m now retired, but have spent about 30 years in the graphics/advertising/PR and prepress business. My photographic education is mostly self-taught, but I did attend a workshop given by Fred Picker back in 1976. I consider myself fairly advanced in photography and Lightroom, but am always ready to learn more, and help where I can. Be creative!

                                                                                              • #211126
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                                                                                                  Hello my name is Stephen. My first SLR camera was a Canon TX and then later an AE-1. I shot 35mm film for many years but only occasionally. In 2005 my wife gave me my first DSLR, a Canon Rebel XT. It was then that I began to get seriously involved in Photography again. While I enjoy photographing landscapes and architecture, I focus almost all of my efforts on nature subjects particularly wild birds and mammals. I am a biologist by training and enjoy capturing wildlife images as they exhibit their natural behaviour.

                                                                                                  I currently use the Canon 7D Mark II and the Canon 7D

                                                                                                • #211175
                                                                                                  ishlah fikri
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                                                                                                    Hello my name is Fikri, i love photograph since 14 and trying to learn manual mode from age 15, and i still need to learn photography, my hobby isn’t only photograph but grapic designing too.

                                                                                                    i currently use the nikon D3200

                                                                                                  • #211176
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                                                                                                      Hi everyone. I’m Donna and am a relative newbie to Photography. I started learning many years ago with a Minolta SRT101. Since there weren’t that many resources back then, it fell by the wayside.

                                                                                                      A couple of years ago, I started seeing amazing potential photos and decided to give it another try. While I still have a lot to learn, I’m constantly taking photos…of everything and anywhere. And constantly taking online Photography classes to soak in as much as possible from as many different perspectives as I can.

                                                                                                      I have a Nikon D3100 as my starter camera, a Panasonic Lumix FZ70 (love the 1200 zoom) and a little Sony point and shoot that always travels with me on the golf course. I’ll probably be trading that in soon for a Nikon Coolpix point and shoot.

                                                                                                    • #211184
                                                                                                      KV photobug
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                                                                                                        Hi, I am brand new to photography. My partner has been an avid hobbyist photographer for many years and she lost her sight last year. With some aids, she’s been able to keep shooting, but it was obvious, she needed help. So I bought my first camera (Nikon D7200) in June 2015 to help her and keep her active and involved in her photography club. Shall we say the rest is history. I turned off the television and spent hours reading and watching videos, learning how to use my camera, Lightroom, and then other post processing programs. I fell in love with the hobby and find it quite relaxing. However, as a newbie, I still have so many problems with composition and creating good photos. My input around here will be limited by my lack of experience. Looking forward to learning lots through the feedback here.

                                                                                                      • #211188
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                                                                                                          I’m Jon from Columbus OH. I am a long time shooter using currently using Nikon D7000.s. I am always looking to learn and improve my skills. I like to shoot nature, landscape, architecture and do model shoots occasionally. I usually post my stuff on Flickr or Viewbug

                                                                                                        • #211203
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                                                                                                            I’m APcat5 from Pennsylvania.
                                                                                                            I enjoy photography but itā€™s only a hobby. I love sharing my photos with my friends on FB and they seem to enjoy them. I am always open for critique as I know my friends would not want to hurt my feelings. They always say I take such amazing photos but I don’t think I’m as good as they say.
                                                                                                            I am still learning and value every tip thatā€™s available.
                                                                                                            I use an old Adobe Photoshop Elements 8 and sometimes Corel PaintShop Photo Pro X3. The camera I am using now is a Panasonic Lumix DMC-FZ70. I also have an older Panasonic DMC-FZ28. Not too fancy but I like them. Thanks for any input, I’d appreciate all.

                                                                                                          • #211221
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                                                                                                              Hi, I’m Stewart from Lincolnshire (England). I’m
                                                                                                              semi-retired, and looking to improve my understanding
                                                                                                              of what makes for a more memorable, stronger photograph.

                                                                                                            • #211274
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                                                                                                                Hi, I am Eric from Wattle Grove in Sydney NSW. I am the proud owner of my first real(?) camera a Sony A6000. My knowledge of photography is very basic and I have ruined many a good photo in the past. I want to learn more about photography as a hobby. You never know where life takes you and who knows one day I may even know enough to call myself an accomplished photographer. To learn something new is a good thing and this is why I am here on Light Stalking.

                                                                                                              • #211287
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                                                                                                                  Hello, my name is nelson and I photograph since the 80s. In recent years I have been interested me by digital cinema photography. I have a Canon 50D and I love cinema, photography and the possibilities that language offers us.

                                                                                                                • #211290
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                                                                                                                    My name is not Levitsky (nothing so notable), but it is Gareth.
                                                                                                                    I have finally decided to take the step into learning more about photography and have just bought myself a Nikon D5300 DSLR. I have enrolled on a beginners course in photography. I lean towards ‘action’ shots and landscapes.

                                                                                                                    My knowledge of the effects on each other of ISO/focal length and exposure you could fit on the head of one of the full stops in this sentence. But looking forward to learning.

                                                                                                                  • #211291
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                                                                                                                      I have always loved to take pictures and owned a Canon A-E1 in the 1980s. I got introduced to Nikon in 2012 and bought a D3100 which stirred up an interest in getting the shot correct in manual only. I have tried several lenses (50mm 1.8) and (Tamron 90 macro) along with the kit lenses. I purchased a D610 1yr ago. Photography is a hobby and would like to improve my shots.

                                                                                                                    • #211294
                                                                                                                      Steve Leach
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                                                                                                                        My name is Steve.
                                                                                                                        I have been into photography off and on since the early 70’s as a kid. My Dad had a black and white darkroom, so I started playing around with his Argus Rangefinder taking landscapes in West Virginia, graduated to a SLR (SEARS MODEL) and off I went. I was a baseball player in college, a pitcher. So on days I was not pitching I had a Pentax K100 and a 400mm lens I got in a pawn shop to photo the game for the local paper. Took Dads darkroom to college and really got into black and white processing.. skip forward (since life got in the way of photography) to DIGITAL.. this was really cool, I did not have to load reels of film, I could see what I did and correct it instantly!!! I was hooked again. I still own every camera I have had since that Argus and the Sears as well as many more, but today I use the Canon 7DM2 with glass from 8mm fisheye to 400mm L glass. I have been lucky enough to win some international awards for wildlife photography (I live in Florida now, so its everywhere), I have done some speaking engagements, workshops, been published locally, nationally and internationally via various outlets. By day I am a technology sales man covering the State of Florida. Sunrise is my favorite light to photo, I will chase light all over the state when it corresponds to business travel. I now have a grandson, so new photo subjects, people, pets, cars, and this new thing in the bag called an external flash unit and just got a new, stable, tripod. So long exposures, night photography are all now on the hit list. So lets say another round of energy and creative spirit around the craft brought me here.

                                                                                                                      • #211335
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                                                                                                                          Hi everyone !
                                                                                                                          I’m Jonas, 27 years old, from the french part of Switzerland. I started taking photos a bit more than 10 years ago (i think…). I only remember that it was a Sony, don’t know the model, but it was a point-n-shot.

                                                                                                                          I wanted to make videos with a DSLR 4 years ago and be able to buy my first real camera ! Here what i got :
                                                                                                                          – Canon 5D MkII
                                                                                                                          – 24-70mm f/2.8
                                                                                                                          – Manfrotto MK055XPRO3-BH
                                                                                                                          – Remote TC-C1
                                                                                                                          – Few filters, cards and batteries

                                                                                                                          I’m traveling a lot this years, so i took a lot of travel photography. But i also do photos and videos for weddings and events.

                                                                                                                          See you !

                                                                                                                        • #211340
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                                                                                                                            My name is Marty and I’ve recently joined the ranks of the retired. I’ve loved taking photographs for years and have taken several digital photography classes at a local community college. I have a Sony Alpha 100 DSLR and a Sony DSC-HX300. I take photos of a bit of everything – landscapes, candids, dogs and dog sports. I’ve shot a couple of weddings and events. I’m in the market for a new camera and lens(es) that will be better for indoor/low light dog sport photography. Any suggestions are welcome.

                                                                                                                          • #211342
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                                                                                                                              Hi, I’m Randy. I live in beautiful Colorado. I have enjoyed photography on a hobby basis for many years, and still consider myself a n00b, but armed with my Sony a6000, I am always ready to learn more! I enjoy taking photos of landscapes, flowers, food, and my 3yo daughter.

                                                                                                                            • #211348
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                                                                                                                                Hi, I’m Rick from Toronto.

                                                                                                                                Most of my photography centres around four themes: urban, travel, food, and the abstract. Ive been at it for nearly thirty years, but only recently have I made a conscious and concerted effort to carve out time for my art.

                                                                                                                                You can see some of my work here:


                                                                                                                                • #211356
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                                                                                                                                    Hello Rick, I checked out your photos and I must say “WOW”. You really have a great talent and I am looking forward to seeing more of your work.

                                                                                                                                • #211366
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                                                                                                                                    Hi – my name is David. I was an avid Nikon-F/Tri-X landscape shooter in the ’60s, but was overtaken by life and children. Sold the gear in ’73, had various point-and-shoot cameras to get family snapshots over the years. Am now retired and want to get back into setting aperture, shutter speed (and now ISO without changing film!) and getting the shots I see onto the page. Have a D7000 and an XTI, each with several lenses and the Adobe CC photo bundle, and am looking forward to a quiet winter to begin getting comfortable with the new tools.

                                                                                                                                  • #211373
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                                                                                                                                      Hi everybody,
                                                                                                                                      My name is Alessandro. I quit film photography in 1996 and i’ve rwturned with digital photography in 2011.
                                                                                                                                      I use Pentax gear.
                                                                                                                                      Find some of my works on
                                                                                                                                      See you around

                                                                                                                                    • #211378
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                                                                                                                                        My name is Mike. I’ve been engaged in photography since the 1970’s… 35mm film, some darkroom work, now digital. I use a Canon 6D and 60D. While comfortable with some of photography’s challenges, my captures still lack that elusive quality that grabs viewers in a compelling way. I’m looking forward to improving.


                                                                                                                                      • #211383
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                                                                                                                                          Hi my name is Cheryl. I played around w/ photos for a very long time. My father actually got me my first SLR camera and it was all manual. What a shock how was I going to be able to use this? Well I had no choice but to take a photo class. I have been in a camera club for over 10 years now and have learned numberous exciting things. I now use the Canon 5D Mark 111 and absolutely love it. I try to go out and take photos every chance I can and I am always looking for the unusal to photography. There is always room to grow and I hope to continue that as photography is my hobby but also my passion.


                                                                                                                                        • #211384
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                                                                                                                                            Hi, my name is Marija, and I am linguist and Digital marketing director. I took up photography as a hobby 3 years ago and now I want to take up a notch. I currently own Canon 6D and few good lenses and all I have to do now is to learn how to use it best šŸ™‚

                                                                                                                                          • #211385
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                                                                                                                                              Hello, my name Aagje and I’m living in Quebec on an organic goatfarm with cheesery. I have now more time to photograph and really love taking shots of farmlife. Glad to find a site where I can learn more about photography.

                                                                                                                                            • #211386
                                                                                                                                              Denis Grenier
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                                                                                                                                                Hello Rob,
                                                                                                                                                Hello all of you!

                                                                                                                                                I was introduced to photography by a Miranda Sensorex, my first single lens reflex 35mm camera. Since that moment, I take pictures for my own pleasure. I like catching a smile, naturesā€™ expression and playing with the light. I did work with Pentax, Ricoh, Canon and Fujifilm since then. Although, with each new body, it became easier to make pictures, thanks to technology and automation, today I mainly shoot manual. I like to take my time to carefully choose each variables that will produced the desired image. Sometime, not often, I am very pleased with the results and I feel the urge to share.

                                                                                                                                                Playing with the lightā€¦

                                                                                                                                                Light is my most inspiring vector of creation. When I take my gear and place my finger on the shutter, I am looking for the light. I often find nice light in:
                                                                                                                                                ā€¢ the eyes of a child smiling;
                                                                                                                                                ā€¢ coloring the clouds from beneath;
                                                                                                                                                ā€¢ bouncing and dancing on water;
                                                                                                                                                ā€¢ Running down the mountain, into the valley to my feet.

                                                                                                                                                Taking a pictureā€¦

                                                                                                                                                ā€¦ is an exceptional way to share with others what I see in front of me. Its also for me a way to bring back with me memories that will make me smile again and again when I look at these vistas or these candles that are blown off in laughter. I do not promote my services as a photographer, however, sometime I jump on the option to help others freeze time on magical moments of their lives.

                                                                                                                                                I also support causes that I believes in. Should you pause on your computer for a few minutes, take the time to look at my pictures and tell me what you think.
                                                                                                                                                When I have some time, I share my discovery about dancing pixels at

                                                                                                                                                Focusing on Photography

                                                                                                                                                Thanks for reading!

                                                                                                                                              • #211387
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                                                                                                                                                  Hi everybody,

                                                                                                                                                  My name is Mihai and I am working in IT. Photography is an old hobby of mine. I started with a film camera many years ago, had my own lab in the bathroom where I was processing black and white film and pictures.
                                                                                                                                                  Around 2000 I moved to digital. I am using LR and PS6 but still learning the latter.
                                                                                                                                                  Recently decided to post some of my pictures on viewbug and 500px, instead of having them only on my hard drives. For sure, I want to get feedback and improve my images. Currently having a Canon 40D, 70-200/F4, 17-70, 50/1.8 and some other stuff. I shoot mostly when traveling, but not only. Also trying to master off camera flash as well. So I am looking forward to learn and get constructive critique.

                                                                                                                                                  Thanks for reading !


                                                                                                                                                • #211388
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                                                                                                                                                    My name is Michael, I’m 83 years old partially sighted but been interested photography since my early teens. Like Rob my first decent camera was a Canon AT1, I currently use a Canon 5D and still manage to take pics with the help of Auto focus. I take most types photo but I’m no good portrates

                                                                                                                                                  • #211432
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                                                                                                                                                      shannon ,46, hobby photographer, lives in michigan, uses a fujifilm finepix s8300

                                                                                                                                                    • #211450
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                                                                                                                                                        I’m Dean. I use a Canon Rebel 300 dslr. Old now but still lots of fun. Thinking of moving some photos to a microstock company to see what happens and decided I would like some critiquing first. Still trying to find that primary interest in photography but most of my shots are of nature, especially birds. Started taking pictures of them through a telescope this spring and am greatly enjoying that.

                                                                                                                                                      • #211456
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                                                                                                                                                          My name is Brenda.
                                                                                                                                                          I’ve been fascinated by photography since I was too young to take pictures.
                                                                                                                                                          My first camera was my Granny’s Brownie box camera followed by a 110 camera, then a Canon AE-1 which was stolen. Life happened and I couldn’t afford another camera.
                                                                                                                                                          The kids are gone and there is finally money leftover after paying the essentials. My hubby bought me a Cannon RebelT5 last year and it terrifies me. All settings are still on auto. I want to learn to be as comfortable with this camera as I once was with my past “!babies”.
                                                                                                                                                          I can’t wait to learn everything

                                                                                                                                                        • #211458
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                                                                                                                                                            Hello! I’m a secondary school student and an amatuer photographer. I hope to learn more here and become a professional photographer one day as well as get to have one of my pictures in the front page of my school magazine. I hope that I’ll get the skills to do that and more here !

                                                                                                                                                          • #211460
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                                                                                                                                                              Hey, I am Naman.
                                                                                                                                                              A 20yrs old guy who’s passionate about clicking. I take photography as a hobby but still wishes to be as good as a professional.
                                                                                                                                                              Photography for me is a method to express myself.
                                                                                                                                                              Critics and reviews will help me learn.

                                                                                                                                                              Thank you!

                                                                                                                                                            • #211464
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                                                                                                                                                                Hi all,
                                                                                                                                                                I’m Bill and enjoy landscape photography. I’m just a hobby shooter who has enjoyed photography from B&W film as a youth to digital as an adult. I’ve always had a camera nearby, but did have periods where I shot very little. Now I have lots of spare time, so shoot a few times a week. I currently use a Canon T3 DSLR and am re-learning old skills, my old film SLRs had no auto/mode settings! One carried a light meter in those days, so the digital stuff is pretty amazing to me. I enjoy looking at other peoples photos, they provide inspiration and learning opportunities.

                                                                                                                                                                All that said, I’m always reading and learning new stuff about this hobby…I am glad so many are willing to share their time, skill, and experience with those of us eager to learn!

                                                                                                                                                              • #211470
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                                                                                                                                                                  Hi y’all! Yes I live in the southeastern US. I have always been interested in photography since in my young adulthood. Art runs in the family, and that’s how I see photography, as a form of art.

                                                                                                                                                                  About a year and a half ago I got my first very basic DSLR and still learning all about digital photography.

                                                                                                                                                                  Eager to get y’alls critiques!

                                                                                                                                                                • #211486
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                                                                                                                                                                    Hello everyone. My name is Dave, I’m in the Marine Corps, and stationed in 29 Palms CA. Which is great because Joshua Tree NP is my back yard. I’ve been interested in photography for as long as I can remember, and my first camera was a pawn shop purchaed Pentax 1000. I loved that camera, but wasn’t able to seriously get into photography at that time. My wife bought me a Nikon d90 in 2009, and I dabbled on and off since then only recently starting to get really serious about producing nice images. I’m really excited to get some serious critiques on my work. Mom, grandma and the Facebook crowd are always too positive, and it’s not helping me learn. Heheh. Thanks everybody.


                                                                                                                                                                  • #211529
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                                                                                                                                                                      Hi, I’m Jackie. I love wildlife photography( mostly birds) and also landscape photography. I’m retired recently and looking forward to having more time to pursue my hobby.

                                                                                                                                                                    • #211550
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                                                                                                                                                                        Hi, I’m Stephanie Tea. I am a student who has always been interested in taking photos, but now I am in a photography class at my school. My camera is a Canon Powershot SX 20 IS. I like all forms of photography, but my favorites are nature, landscapes, macro, black and white, and portraits.

                                                                                                                                                                      • #211559
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                                                                                                                                                                          Hi, I am Russ. I am new at this but I have always enjoyed looking at beautiful photographs!

                                                                                                                                                                        • #211565
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                                                                                                                                                                            Hi my names Gareth, I have been in to photography since 2012 purely as hobby (for now). Have always enjoyed playing around with cameras such as old Fuji bridge camera. Since getting my first Nikon (D3200) I have been amazed by what is possible.
                                                                                                                                                                            Still plenty to learn!

                                                                                                                                                                          • #211645
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                                                                                                                                                                              I’m David Gaines, and after 25 years as a really good beginner amateur, I’m finally getting around to actually learning the science (and art) behind photography. Many years ago you couldn’t tell me I didn’t know what I was doing, but thanks to the internet, I now realize I’m far from where I thought I was. But I’m now humble enough to accept it and am looking forward to getting better.

                                                                                                                                                                            • #211719
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                                                                                                                                                                                Hi I am Eliud from Papua New Guinea. I got a suprise invite from our local newspaper in 1996 to enrol for a photography course from NYI and being a natrual art enthusiast, I enrolled. After my first two lessons, i withdrew never to complete as I was unable to afford at that time. My interest was rekindled mid 2014 when I bought a Sony AX3000. Although it is not a DSLR i have already punished it to perform beyond its capacity. LOL. Basically, I am an amature and would love to learn more from this site and from what you all can share here.

                                                                                                                                                                                See you around!

                                                                                                                                                                              • #211720
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                                                                                                                                                                                  Hi, I’m Dave, I live in the UK – Oxfordshire
                                                                                                                                                                                  Been into photography for quite some time – my first ‘real’ camera was a Zenit E from which I moved on up to a Canon EF
                                                                                                                                                                                  When I went digital I started with the Canon 350, followed by a 50D then the 5D mk 3
                                                                                                                                                                                  In the early days I used to really enjoy the darkroom side – but after being stored in a box in the loft for best part of 35 years finally threw it away earlier this year – broke my heart but nobody is interested in enlarger and chemical trays now
                                                                                                                                                                                  My favourite subjects are wildlife and landscapes

                                                                                                                                                                                • #211738
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                                                                                                                                                                                    I wrote a separate introducion post but wanted to add to this thread. I’s Steve and I love photography, love to look at other people’s work and learn. I used to shoot film and still have my Nikon F2 and Nikkromat. Just loaded up a roll of Tri-X a week ago with some fresh batteries.

                                                                                                                                                                                    I use a Nikon D70 and a Galaxy Note 4. Always learning.

                                                                                                                                                                                  • #211743
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                                                                                                                                                                                      My name is Dee. I am a hobbyist for many years that has recently started taking pictures for friends and family. Looking into learning more styles and specifics. I use a Nikon D5100. Love it. Just recently purchase Photoshop and Lightroom (which I don’t understand) yet.

                                                                                                                                                                                    • #211772
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                                                                                                                                                                                        My name is Anne, I am retired and live on the Sunshine Coast in Australia. I love taking photos as a hobby and enjoy looking at other peoples work and learning. I find lightstalking very informative.

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                                                                                                                                                                                    About Author

                                                                                                                                                                                    Rob is the founder of Light Stalking. His love for photography pushed him into building this fantastic place, and you can get to know him better here