
  • Personally my sense of reality / believability is over-challenged by the liquid not spilling. I also don’t understand how the glass came to be broken.

    At risk of derailing your thread, I just wanted to remind everyone to keep in mind the <a href="” title=”” rel=””> Shark Tank Etiquette guide. Photographers of all skill levels are encouraged…[Read more]

  • Thanks Joe, this probably would have been a good time to use some exposure compensation. I still struggle with high range images at sunrise and sunset where part of the subject is in light and part in shadow.

    I still think the building has potential, with the rounded second floor, square first floor, recessed windows with skylights and such.…[Read more]

  • I’m not sure how much post processing is allowed in your course, but this might benefit from some masking. While I agree that the bright and washed out foreground elements are distracting, I really appreciate that you were able to keep the detail on the rock above the tunnel in shadow. It’s difficult for me to speak without knowing what was…[Read more]

  • Aside from that Ford fender (which took me at least 30 seconds to identify as such), I can’t see much tractors. I can tell that there are tractors by the steering wheels and hoods, and that they may indeed be *nice* tractors by the polished paint, but I really can’t see enough to appreciate them. I appreciate the effort in lining up the steering…[Read more]

  • I’m going to fly against convention and say that I like the background elements as they are. I think in conjunction with the lighting it creates a sense of tension that is important to the story.Check It Out

  • @joe7b, are you commenting on the original post, or the subsequent take on the same building posted today? Should I have started a new thread for this one?Check It Out

  • I’m still hoping to start developing my own black and white film in the near future, but things have been pretty hectic between work and being out of town. I thought I would post a follow up to the picture in this thread originally, taken from much closer using an Olympus XA3 35mm fixed focal length camera, Kodak 400, full auto exposure, zone…[Read more]

  • I agree with the comments above, I’m not sure how well this scene works with a backlit sky. More power to you if you can get those sky highlights down without loosing detail in the foreground though.

    The path also leads off frame, it might work better if taken from a slightly different angle with the path leading inward.Check It Out

  • I feel like you might crop from the bottom and left sides a little bit and get a more pleasing effect, rather than having the gondolas in the very center. Can you add definition to the gondolas, especially in the shadows? They sort of seem to blend into eachother right now and are a little too dark overall maybe.Check It Out

  • I love the way my eyes gently travel around the photo without feeling conflicted or distracted. Maybe that is the essence of what it means to tell a story with a photograph: it’s clear what is going on but the rules of form are not so strict as to force the eye to settle completely. Just a thought from a beginner who likes to over-think just about…[Read more]

  • Not many creatures give me the heebie jeebies (snakes: “can I hold it?”; spiders: “please don’t kill it, let me take it outside!”) but yeash, you are brave to shoot wasps! The fact that my heckles rise just looking is proof of the quality of this image.Check It Out

  • Thanks @admin. I guess in a lot of ways I cut many of those corners. I send my film to a lab so I’m only doing half of it, though I may begin developing black and white soon. Usually I take my images as scanned/printed, or possibly do some cropping. If there is a problem with an important shot, I’ll work on it digitally. I guess in that sense it’s…[Read more]

  • I like the depth you’ve created against the background with your edit. I would use a much tighter crop, that draws attention to the subject by placing his right eye near the upper left intersection of thirds lines. The door handle and steering wheel remain, but much of the vehicle is cropped out (the entire passenger side including the front…[Read more]

  • I feel like the top of the stump is way too bright now. Also if you could find a way to soften the shadows on the stump a little that might help.Check It Out

  • Awesome, I think the clouds are still strong enough, but my attention now goes to the wire instead of the sky.Check It Out

  • I’m not sure if this makes any sense, but I feel like I am missing some contrast of the wire against the sky. It looks like your converter had a really strong minus blue effect (like a yellow or orange filter) which is great for the clouds but not so much for the wire. I think less contrast in the sky (increasing the brightness of blue tones)…[Read more]

  • Thanks for all of the suggestions @michael-lloyd. So essentially I’d just need a tank, developer, fixer, a dark bag, and a light box. I think I’ll be sticking to 35mm for now, but I’ll definitely let you know if I decide to jump into developing, as it seems like a lot of fun and the roller would certainly make things easier!Check It Out

  • Why I shoot film (as a beginner)For me it’s all about the process. With digital I click and fiddle and peep and click and fiddle and peep until I get something tolerable. Digital photography is about results, and in a lot of ways it ends up feeling forced for me. I guess it’s just my personality. Film is about letting go. It’s wasteful and…[Read more]

  • I really enjoy shooting black and white, though with spring in full it’s hard to stay off of the colors. I do imagine that a small B&W set up with a scanner would pay for itself within a dozen rolls, so I will have to keep that in mind.

    I’ll have the opportunity to borrow a F100 this weekend, and I think I’ll run a roll of Velvia 50 through it.…[Read more]

  • These scans came from thedarkroom.com, a pretty reputable lab. I also use crick camera in KC, and they’ve done a pretty good job. That said, the darkroom runs probably 70 rolls a day so fresh chemicals yes, auto scanner, yes. If I were to shell out for the enhanced scans I might get more attention as well, but processing is by far the most…[Read more]

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