
  • renegade1 posted on the forum topic Introduce Yourself Here in the group Light Stalking Group: 13y, 6mo ago

    Hi all! My name is Rod Dunn from Christchurch, New Zealand. I shoot with an Olympus E410 SLR. I’m really into B&W photography. I prefer to shoot in B&W rather than post edit colour. I personally think its cheating to change a photo too much on the computor. My photo’s are all as taken. I […]

    • Hi Rod Dunn from Christchurch. Get over the cheating thing real fast. Shoot RAW and post process for better control. Photography is never about the camera, its about the picture. I would never have thougth of asking Rembrandt to tell me about the brushes he used or which tyoe of canvas he used. So why would I care what you use and how you get it if its a great picture. Sure, a good brush enables better control. So does some aspects of photography such as RAW and CS5. The trick is to know when to stop. I’ll look forward to seeing what you do.