Introducing Tobie

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    • #202218
      David Chesterfield
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        In this, the third of a new monthly series of interviews we learn a little more about Toby, and what makes him tick. I hope you enjoy this insight into one of the Forum regulars.

        Tell us a little about yourself and your photography journey.
        My photographic journey contains nothing of significance (I really envy those guys who have really interesting backgrounds!). It is marked by a mild fascination in photography during my childhood, followed by the appreciation of a few good keepers after a few overseas trips (compact flash), followed by the purchase of my first DSLR two and a half years ago – and thereafter my life was never the same again! 🙂

        Where do you live?
        The Republic of South Africa.

        Hobbies and interests?
        Photography (obviously! 🙂 ), music. I play the dobro, pedal steel guitar, lapsteel guitar, harmonicas, bass guitar.
        Unfortunately the country / bluegrass genres did not offer me enough opportunity on-stage in South Africa so I’ve sold all but the harmonicas & bass guitar recently.

        How long you have had an interest in photography
        I’ve been ‘interested’ as long as I can remember but decided to get serious only about two and a half years ago when I bought my first DSLR. That decision got influenced by my desire to make some money with photography in two and a half years when I reach me company’s maximum age for retirement. A compact flash is not going to cut it so I took the big step into the world of ‘real’ photographic equipment.

        What got you interested in photography?
        The shutter release and film-winding sound of cameras always fascinated my since my childhood. Camera ownership was perceived to be a privilege of only a selected few though. I was never fond of film cameras because I’ve lost too many films due to a lack of money to develop the photos – and because of forgotten films down in a drawer somewhere! When the first digital cameras appeared on the market however, this whole picture changed and I bought one of the first Canon Powershots (using a 250Mb IBM Microdrive for which I’ve paid the equivalent of $250 US!). This enabled me to take shots without needing to spend a cent on them afterwards and gave my interest in photography a healthy kick-start!

        What is the best advice you received so far regarding photography?
        Go Manual and stay there regardless of the initial teething pains!

        How do you maintain inspiration?
        It seems that most photographers are inspired by other photographers. Not me. I have something in my genes always pointing out the beauty of things around me, wondering what it would look like in a photograph. A week or two without a photo session simply drives me out to a reserve closeby (of which we have plenty in SA) where I can quench that thirst – until next time! 🙂

        What is your favourite subject to shoot and why?
        Birds. I get bored quite easily and birds (specially birds in flight) really test your patience, your nerves and your skills. And of course – the bigger the challenge, the higher the reward and resulting satisfaction when you’re successful!

        Do you have a favourite type of photography?

        Anything in nature – birds, wildlife, landscapes. In that order. Unless I have an opportunity to get shots of my 3 year old granddaughter of course – that’s often a bigger challenge than shooting birds in flight! 🙂

        How would you describe your photographic journey to date?
        Simply one big adventure! The only thing I’m sorry about is that I started way too late with DSLR!

        Are you Self taught?
        Mostly self taught. There’s a whole world of information for someone disciplined enough to learn from the ‘net. I’m one of those who research the ‘net to death in ANYTHING I’m interested in!

        Formal training?
        The closest I got to formal training was the completion of an Advanced Diploma in Photography at the Institute of Photography in the UK (an online course). I’m currently busy with their Advanced course in Wedding Photography.

        Are you currently involved with any photography projects? If so, what?
        Nothing official although I’m busy compiling shots for two coffee table books: one of my nature photography over the last two and a half years and another of my grandchild’s first three years of her life.

        If you could only use one camera/lens combination for a year, which would you choose?
        The Nikon D4s and Nikon 70-200mm f/2.8G ED VR II AF-S. The D4s for its excellent ISO handling and excellence in general and the lens for its versatility from portraits to weddings to events to wildlife, optionally with the 1.4x teleconverter.

        What is your favorite image right now?
        o One of yours?
        A shot of a Malachite Kingfisher. I was busy shooting birds much further away when this bird perched a few meters away from me. My heart raced like crazy in my chest as I knew this was going to make a nice shot and I could not believe my further luck as it sat down for about a minute, allowing me to go through various settings in order to get the best shot possible.

        o Someone else’s?
        If I had to pick a shot it would be from the forums. This site is absolutely flooded with mega-talented photographers presenting absolutely superb shots. This is one of the nicest shots I have seen in a long time:

        • Is there a photographer that inspires you?
        If I had to choose a single photographer, it would be Morkel Erasmus – also from South Africa. He keeps on producing excellent shots and his work is slowly but surely creeping into the biggest publications internationally.

        What is your biggest challenge when it comes to photography?
        Saying goodbye to less-than-perfect shots.

        Is there anything specific you intend to learn or improve in your photography?
        I’d like to broaden my portfolio to non-nature shots so as to prevent getting ‘stuck in a rut’ with my nature shots.

        If people want to follow more of your work where should they go?
        I place most of my ‘acceptable’ work onto flickr and the cream of the crop goes to NatGeo.
        o NatGeo

        o Flickr

        • Provide links to 3 or 4 of your favourite images that can be displayed with the interview

        CC: @admin, @albirder, @nikon-nut, @tersha

      • #202253
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          These Introduction Posts are the greatest, David. Toby, it was so interesting to read about your photographic journey. I hope you will share some wedding photos that you take in the future. I have had a wonderful time browsing your photos on the National Geographic site. I look forward to vising and studying on Morkel Erasmus.

        • #202291
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            Really interesting read, Toby, finding out something of your journey in photography. Your kingfisher shot is one of my favourites.
            So glad you’re doing this, David. 🙂

          • #202304
            Chrissie Bee
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              What a wonderful way to learn about our fellow Lightstalkers.
              I will look forward to this forum weekly.

              Tobie, I feel privileged to have someone like you critique my photos in the
              Shark Tank. Your advise has helped me move forward in my photographic journey.
              This is a good time to say thank you.

              After viewing Morkel Erasmus’s site, I’m tempted to join him on a photo venture.
              Heartstopping photography.

            • #202322
              The Falx
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                Tobie rocks….just view his images! 🙂

              • #202346
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                  Thanks David for posting this – and for commenting all you guys (& gals 🙂 )! You are just too nice! I’m often humbled by reading the rich background of some of you guys and I envy you so much!

                  Chrissie I’d also love to do a Botswana trip with Morkel sometime. He’s one of the best out there – he knows photography, he knows Botswana and the best spots for great shots, he knows everything a nature photographer should know about wildlife!

                • #202407
                  Kent DuFault
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                    Really a very interesting read. It was nice to learn some details about you Toby.

                  • #202496
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                      I have seen your all photography’s. Really these inspire me a lot. Thanks a lot for sharing.

                    • #202542
                      Rob Eyers
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                        Great to read about your photo journey Toby. Your images are always first rate and the fact that you have only been at it seriously for 2 1/2 years is a testament to your talent. Thanks for all your insightful critiques as well. Your comments are always on the mark.

                        Thanks for the links…I for one will be spending some time there.

                      • #202573
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                          Thanks for the kind words, @reyers. I can just envy you guys who have been about this for most of your lifetimes, so I’m still learning and will always be – that’s my main reason for being here! 🙂

                        • #202739
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                            David, I really enjoy this forum, learning about people and what makes them tick.
                            And thanks to all of you who have shared this part of your lives with us and those who will do so in the future.

                          • #202801
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                              Great forum David, it really is great to learn about some of the people I have been exchanging opinions with. Toby always gives great insight, I always look forward to his critiques. I look forward to reading about more members!

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                          About Author

                          David Chesterfield is an IT Manager, light painter and amateur photographer living in Brisbane, Australia. You can follow him on:
                          Facebook, Instagramor Flickr.