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    • #175546
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        I am Jason out of Indianapolis. Decided to join this group after being referred by a friend and see what others might have to say about my work. As for what type of photography, I am into a little of it all. I am always searching ways to build my skills and take it up a notch. I can’t recall the very first photograph that got me hooked, I can say that I remember crawling through albums of my mothers as a young child endlessly looking them over. While I do not remember being glued to one individual picture, I did and still do feel connected through the imagery of the past via photographs. Thank you for your time.


      • #175608
        David Chesterfield
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          Welcome to Lightstalking Jason @jmcgee131!
          There is lots to see, do & learn here. For honest feedback on your work why not post a photo or two to the shark tank?

        • #175776
            • Allows Edits: Yes
            • Posts:12

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            Thank you for the warm welcome. I would like to also add that I have been shooting avidly for the last 5 years. The last 4 years I have been open to the public shooting Portrait, Family, Wedding and events. In my spare time, I love to capture images of my kids, that is my passion for learning. They continue to grow, and I continue to learn how to capture them better and better. Someday, I will not have to rely on my memory of how they looked because I will have the images to keep that slice in time alive forever. My tag line has always been, Framing your memories one snap at a time.

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