Jane Chouteau

  • Just crop it so it’s vertical. That way the sunflower becomes more prominent and the fence less so. While I love the angle the receding fence line makes, the photo isn’t about cool bokeh on the fence, it’s the begging gesture of the sunflower. Cropping it on the vertical, perhaps a 4×5 aspect should still leave plenty of receding fence, bring…[Read more]

  • This would be SO PERFECT if only the sunflower were on the left side of the frame facing right! I only hope that when you encounter such a perfect set-up that you really work it from all angles and play with framing. light and bokah. I would love to see this framed with a little more of the face of the sunflower facing the camera, I can hardly see…[Read more]

  • Overall the image is a little too dark, but that can easily be changed in post. I wish this forum allowed users to see the lens used and the settings. How I would love to see this shot with a super wide lens and a little farther away. I love this image but it’s too cramped. I want to see more, more, more!

  • Stellar image! I agree with removing the dog. I love the haziness in the tree, but I would like to see a side-by-side with more clarity in the tree to see if that ruined the mood. I would definitely might play around with aspect ratios. In the thumbnail I thought the image was square. I would play with square or 4×5. The current aspect ratio is too long.

  • Assuming you could control the shot, the figure should be turned so he is facing the light and the green bag should be made to be part of the story. He’s a gardener and I assume he’s placing trimmings into the bag. With everything backlit I can’t tell what’s going on. Joanna, you have a good eye. If you don’t already own and know how to use…[Read more]

  • Ditto all of the above. Additionally the camera is too high. I would like to see the horizon line (where the river ends) to bisect the group or be slightly above the heads. The trees being cut off makes the image look incomplete. Unfortunately group shots either need to be about the people with the setting being a supporting element. This image is…[Read more]

  • I like the mood and color, but it’s confusing because I don’t know where to look. I suspect some dodging on the right sunflower might work to make it the subject. My eye wants the object in focus to be the subject (the sunflower), but the out of focus figure in the background is confusing. My eye want’s to go to people first and and make it…[Read more]

  • I love the mood and drama in this, and the lighting is delicious! However it does need some dodging and burning to emphasize the focal point, which in my opinion are the faces. In Lightroom I would suggest using the adjustment brush to bring up the faces, perhaps increase the exposure and increase a bit in the shadows, just enough so the eye knows…[Read more]

  • jcchouteau became a registered member 10y, 10mo ago