
  • ytsorf6 posted an update in the group Macro Photography: 13y ago

    Hi all,
    Been away for a bit. Went through a bit of a photographic barren spell whereupon the camera was just being carried around for excercise rather than being used. Had a break in Cyprus, and along with the obligatory family snaps, managed to sneak in a few \\\’proper\\\’ photos as well. Found this chap on the wall outside out house. Obliginly he sat still long enough for me to dig out my Kenko tubes and willingly posed for a few snaps…….


    As far as I can establish, it\’s a cone headed mantis, a bit off the beaten track (as they generally live in Spain, Portugal or France……


    • STEVEDIAS replied 13y ago

      Now thats way cool. Nice shots.

    • Pinky replied 13y ago

      Great details and is it really purple?

      • Thanks for the comment, and yes It really was purple !! The feathery bits were orange. Looked like it was on its way to a fancy dress

    • Does it want us to take it to our leader?

    • Catherine replied 13y ago

      Gross and cool at the same time…if that’s possible!