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  • in reply to: Face #119600
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      You all have convinced me đŸ˜‰
      I’ll try during the weekend if there are some pixels left to put a bit more light on the left eye
      Thanks again

      in reply to: Face #119560
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        Hello all, thanks for your remarks.
        I just found out, that my explanations about the photo did not go through, so again:
        This image was a trial to test my new studio lighting. I used a stripelight rectangular softbox, positioned vertically almost 90 degrees at the left side of the modell, about 1m distance.
        My camera was a Sony a65v and my lens was Sigma 50mm, f1,4
        It was my intention to create a very extreme light/shadow distribution and the main focus was the eye.
        There was almost no post processing, a bit of sharpening and of course bw transformation.
        So thanks again for your remarks

        in reply to: Small alley in tuscany village #111223
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          Hi all,
          Thanks for all your remarks. Concerning the vertical wall, I will check, what a lens correction might bring. But whar @sabb said is right, it’s an ancient village anyway. Concerning the colors, yes, I already tried to inforce some colors, but it did change the mood, so I kept it.

          : I was waiting for an old Italien woman passing along with two heavy purchase baskets đŸ˜‰ but there were only tourists in rain coats, so I took the picture without persons.

          in reply to: walkthrough #101729
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            Hello all, thanks for all your comments about my photo.

            ; @cameraclicker: In my opinion the cables are an imprtant element in the image, that distinguishes the real situation there versus an artificial created scene in a phantasy-park. Those cables are not only crossing the alley, but going down the wall passing the lamp and ending in that strange distributor-box. Typically Italien, so I will not be going to change that.

            in reply to: Cubes #101436
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              @redman: “what feedback I am seeking”. I guess there are two things to differenciate, the first is the impression or call it emotions the image is carrying. Here it is my personal emotions in that very moment I took the photo, hardly to critisize.
              Secondly there is a technical aspect. The photos I put online are technical o.k. for me. But like with other creative work, you might get blind versus your own work and I’m thankfull for any advice how to improve these technical aspects or even correct failures.
              Of course I enjoy positive feedback as well that shows that I am on the right track. But I agree that may not be praise for the sake of praise, but fundamental statements.
              On the other hand the rule is the rule, if only negative critics is accepted, that’s o.k. for me too.

              in reply to: sun protection in RGB #100980
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                @countzero: thanks a lot for your remarks. It shouldn’t be a problem to eliminate the disturbing elements with Photoshop, but I think the image is then loosing truth and authenticity….but….I really don’t know.

                Concerning the lens, the image was taken with a prime lens 50mm, why? Because I did not have another lens with me at that very moment. But I followed your advice and adapted a lens correction. Indeed it looks better now.

                in reply to: sun protection in RGB #100947
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                  Hello all,
                  thanks a lot for your valuable input.

                  : the dull colors were by intention to underline this melancholie. It was a summer day, but I waited until some clouds had covered the sun to avoid a to harsh light. As well the very strong geometrie was fully my intention to focus on the loss of any individuality. The image for me shows exactly, what I had in mind, when I searched for this topic.
                  @admin: I have put a grid layer about the image and there could indeed be a very little correction needed. It is not possible to shoot again from a higher level, because there is none. This building is standing alone and the image was taken from the top level of a parking. So no chance to get any higher (without a ladder )

                  in reply to: sun protection in RGB #100591
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                    The photo was taken on a hot summerday almost at noon. The complete fassade of that building gave me the impression of absolute uniformity….without that very special balcony. It was the only one equipped with the parasols and those are in the basic colors R(ed), G(reen) and B(lue). This balcony was the only one showing a bit of individuality. That was the intention, why I took this image.

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