Don Lindell

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  • in reply to: Introduce Yourself (Dec 9, 2015) #214518
    Don Lindell
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      Robert, your story is killing me. At first I couldn’t imagine the cruelty of someone who would destroy photos in a bathtub, but I figure it was mindless kids. NO better than animals.

      I have set up a FreeNAS server to act as my own backup storage locally as well as offsite storage in the cloud for all my photos.

      I even rotate a hard drive back and forth with a buddy that lives in Tucson. Sure, It’s a nuclear target because of the AFB, but it’s pretty safe from most other natural disasters

      The days of lost negatives are long gone

      in reply to: Introduce Yourself (Dec 9, 2015) #214432
      Don Lindell
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        Hello World

        My name is Don but I you may have been gunned down by me in Halo under my gamertag el_don_almighty, in which case I apologize…a little.

        I started with an AE-1 35 years ago and now a pair of Canon 70D bodies with the 18mm prime and the new Sigma 35mm f1.4 art lens as my new favorites. I love faces, but I am terrible at lighting. Basically, I am terrible at still photography.

        Most of my work is actually in video where I shoot live music for local bands.

        But my love is in photography and I wish I was better understanding how to capture that personal essence in a portrait.

        As I get older, I realize a memory is one of the most precious gifts I can offer and a truly great photo is an excellent way for someone to share a memory with others.

        I want desperately to help people give photos to others.

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