Steve Crane

  • Foggy Day in the BayThis photo was taken with a compact camera and converted to black and white in Lightroom. I had no particular reason for taking it other than capturing the scene across False Bay to Table Mountain as it was on that day.

    The reason I’m posting it is that I didn’t think there was anything special about this but when I posted…[Read more]

  • The model is good looking but as others have said, there are flaws. The model’s heavy shadow is the worst of these and only a reshoot can fix that. To rescue this you could try straightening the pool edge at the base then doing a square crop so the grey siding fills the frame. You’ll still have the model’s shadow but the image might be…[Read more]

  • I prefer the black and white version. The colour one seems more like a tourist snapshot while the black and white is a bit more ‘arty’.

    There is too much of the flat lawn in the foreground and the dark finger-like shadows coming in from the right are a bit distracting. Perhaps a more panoramic crop that removes much of the foreground lawn and…[Read more]

  • I agree the colours and textures of the subject are great but the lighting seems flat and doesn’t bring the textures out as well as it could. If this is somewhere you can return to you might try at different times of the day when there is more of a side light on the wall.Check It Out

  • I don’t recognize it as such but the pose and way the scarf is tied make me think this might be an homage to or recreation of an old painting.

    Overall I think it works. The central composition suits the pose and direct gaze of the subject. The background is nicely blurred and works well on the right but I find the brightness on the white grid…[Read more]

  • strandloper became a registered member 10y, 6mo ago