Introducing Nikon-Nut

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    • #207650
      David Chesterfield
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        This month we get an insight into passionate landscape photographer, and long term Lightstalker John Thompson, aka Nikon-Nut.

        I live in Las Vegas Nevada. I have been here since 1977 except for the 7 years I lived in Europe. I started with photography in the early 80’s. My wife at the time was into photography a little and had an X700 Minolta. I played with it a bit and won a contest that a developer had showing off a new commercial center. The architecture was much like the California Missions and was quite attractive so it was easy I thought to get that on film. I picked it up again in the late 90’s when I went to Europe for 4 months for my job. Most of those pics and slides didn’t seem to make the boat ride back to the US when my wife and I split and she stayed behind to instruct the movers what would go to me and what would go to her.

        I have never had the opportunity to study photography even though I would have enjoyed that very much. My latest venture into photography began 3 years ago. I still had the Minolta and a Nikon film camera that I bought in Europe. After several months of shooting film and waiting for the slides I realized that I needed to go digital. I went out and found a Nikon D2x and that was the beginning of my digital adventure. I am inspired by all of the beauty here in the desert. You have to look but it is there. This year I plan to venture farther from the valley here to see how well I can do photographing different areas.

        My favorite area in photography is b&w yet shooting landscapes that is difficult to do. Out here our landscapes are too “busy” to have a good b&w image. I have found a few but they are rare. One of my challenges is to find an area that I can depict in an uncluttered way. I have been begun to accumulate camping gear and this will allow me to venture farther from home without the need of hotel rooms. I am really quite excited about this and it has become almost a passion. The ability to stay in an area for days and shoot sounds like so much fun to me. Also while I am out I will get away from all of the Las Vegas lights and I can try night landscapes another thing I am really excited about.

        My favorites


        More White Flowers at Red Rock

        Silver Joshua II

        When I first joined LS I posted my pics in the ST and I was crushed. Everything I posted was attacked and rightly so. At one point I commented that perhaps it would be best for me to quit photography because I was not producing anything of merit. Two of the people that were critiquing my said that it made no sense for me to quit. They showed me where my images were good and why they were good and pushed me to continue which, of course, I did.

        I take pride in the fact that two or three of our current group has credited me and thanked me for helping them alone to get to where they are now. That is a great feeling of satisfaction.

        CC: @admin; @tersha; @albirder

      • #207708
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          I was looking forward to your turn in telling us a bit more about yourself John. A very interesting read and I can’t imagine one of your shots getting smashed in the ST or any other place, for that matter! I can’t recall having seen your B&W flowers shot – beautiful (as are the others)!

          It’s always nice to have you around and I always read your comments as they are consistently valid and informative.

          Let’s raise our glasses to this invaluable co-member! 🙂

        • #207721
          Gordon James
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            Well, John, I think we all owe those two ST members a big thank you for persuading you to keep at it. I particularly love your B&W work. Very individual. Do more!

          • #207770
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              John, your landscapes are without doubt, quite exceptional ….. you have a good eye, and you processing is always well done. The first B/W flower shot is one of my favourites. It’s good to hear a bit about you. Looking forward to seeing the results of your intended adventures!

            • #207772
              Chrissie Bee
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                John, It’s really great to learn more about you. I’m surprised to see that you’ve only been shooting digital for three years. As the saying goes: You’ve come a long way, Baby!!! You have the ability to take a difficult scene and make it sparkle. Landscapes, for me, are the toughest and I always admire yours. I never saw the B&W flowers you just posted. Great photos!

                I chuckled to read about your Shark Tank experiences…not that they’re funny but that I experienced the same reactions. Glad we have a tough hide! If you’re not doing it to earn a living, then if you’re happy, what else is there? And thanks for your participation in the S.T. as your critiques are very helpful.

                Bring us back some more of your beautiful work when you go out camping.

                • #207797
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                    Take my word for it Chrissie: the quality of your recent shots are ions removed from those first ones which you’ve entered into the ST (I remember them quite well). The fact that you were determined to push through and improve your shots based on ST feedback, made all the difference! But wait, this is a post about John… 😉

                    • #207870
                      Chrissie Bee
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                        You’re right, Tobie. It was my introduction to digital photography and I was only using IPhoto to edit…I saw a big change asa I began using other editing software and got my mojo back 😉

                        And, John, I agree with Tersha about the B&W field of flowers. I would frame that one for everyone to see.

                  • #207791
                    The Falx
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                      John you where very kind and friendly to me when I first showed up here….you showed me some respect but I have more for you my friend xx ! 🙂

                    • #207891
                      chris pook
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                        Great photographs!

                      • #208046
                        Kent DuFault
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                          I agree. Great photographs. I especially love the high key image of the flowers- beautiful and mysterious.

                        • #208055
                          Rob Eyers
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                            I have been a fan of your images since joining John. I too have valued your critiques and open approach. You live in a very photogenic part of the country and you certainly bring out the best in it. I’m a little curious why you don’t shoot some of the amazingly overblown stuff there in your hometown but I guess everyone else is doing that….still with nearly 40 years under your belt there your view of things would be different than the tourists.

                            All of your favorites you’ve included are great but you missed one of my fav’s of yours.. “Cloudy Rainy Red Rock”.

                            We used to travel to LV yearly for CES and would stay over a few days to travel out in the desert and explore. I wasn’t as focused on my camera then so getting back there is definitely on the bucket list as there’s so much to shoot.

                            Good to hear about you John. I look forward to more of your images and critiques.

                          • #208091
                            David Nathan
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                              Great work, great member! Congrats John.

                            • #208326
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                                Wow John, so wonderful to learn more about your adventure in photography! That B&W Flower shot is one of the most amazing pics I have ever seen! It is stunning!

                                I love looking at your B&W work, it is really inspiring and I have actually learned a lot about B&W just looking at your work. Congratulations on the highlight! I look forward to seeing more of your awesome work!

                              • #208373
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                                  Since I have ever known you, you have been a splendid landscape photographer who generously shares knowledge. I hope every new, less experienced photographer who joins LS reads about your journey! Oh yes, and do more high key photography. Those flowers are splendid.

                                • #208416
                                  Lenny Wollitz
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                                    Hey John, I think you and I are a couple of the longest time active Shark Tank members and it has been a pleasure. I agree with everything above, especially the bit about raising a glass. Your black and white pointers have helped to improve my fotos beyond my wildest expectations. Thanks!

                                  • #208483
                                    Erik Fransman
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                                      Hi John,
                                      Thank you for your thoughtful and valuable comments. I do not always agree but you put them in such a way that I see that fellow ST members push themselves to go further and improve themselves.
                                      Raising the glass, “Proost” as they say in the Netherlands.

                                    • #208496
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                                        Hi John; So nice to hear about you and your photographic journey….that is actually just beginning. I think it is a great idea to get yourself fixed to get on the road. I can imagine the stunning pictures you will bring us back. And I do agree with all that has been said above and that your high key flowers are outstanding and deserve to hand on your wall, better yet on a gallery wall for everyone to enjoy.

                                        Great work also you are doing helping and motivating the doubtful photographers to hang in there. Sometimes that’s all that is needed – a little tap on the back.

                                      • #208497
                                        Jacques Brierre
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                                          John, You are an inspiration to all of us, I think.
                                          The ST and LS gain much with your insights and inspiration.
                                          I dream of the journey you are embarking on. Wish you great
                                          satisfaction. Nice to know my wish to do so is NOT crazy.
                                          Looking forward to seeing more of your work, Nikon-Nut.
                                          Thank you for being there.

                                        • #208589
                                          Michael Lloyd
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                                            Hey John, I’m glad that I finally figured out how to log in again. Nice work as always. And it’s good to read a little about you as well. I’m looking forward to the results of your camping trips.

                                          • #208591
                                            John Thompson
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                                              I cannot begin to tell you how much I appreciate all of your kind words. I get so frustrated at times when I come home and most of what I have brought back belongs in the bit-bucket. But, even that is a plus because I concentrate on what makes them unacceptable allowing me to get more of what I want in my images.

                                              I must say that the ‘sorta’ high key b&w flower pic is my favorite. As usual there is a small story behind it. This image was taken on the side of the road just before you drive into Red Rock. I noticed this flowering bush, almost a small tree, one morning on my way in. When I got close to this bush I noticed all of the intricate detail in and amongst the flowers on this bush. This image has to be viewed up close and printed large to allow the viewer to appreciate what they are looking at. I was just astounded at the beauty that was there. It took me 4 trips back to get what I wanted. When I finally did get the print I like I gave it to one of my sons and a few friends. One of the friends showed me the hanging version matted and framed and I think it is, almost breathtakingly, beautiful. I am very proud of that image. Not so proud that it took me 4 repeat visits but it is better than watching “Law&Order” reruns right???

                                              Thank all of you so very much.


                                              • #208604
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                                                  John, I was pondering one of my favourite shots sometime last week and concluded the following: just about every exceptional shot has a story and/or some extra effort behind it. They hardly ever just ‘happen’ by chance. And many times more than not, extra effort is rewarded with an exceptional shot. It just works that way. As in your case above.

                                              • #208598
                                                Michael Lloyd
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                                                  I think the flowers and the last image are the most artistic of the group.

                                                  4 visits is way better than no visits 🙂

                                                • #208670
                                                  John Thompson
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                                                    Michael the last image is also one of my top favorites. I really have not artistic talent so when I do come up with something like this it has real impact on me.

                                                    Toby I have to agree with you. Most of my pics are from times when I just wanted to go take pictures but the white flower image is more than that. It became a true obsession to get it the way I wanted it. I was going to say get it right but there are many ways this plant could be photographed “the right way”.

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                                                About Author

                                                David Chesterfield is an IT Manager, light painter and amateur photographer living in Brisbane, Australia. You can follow him on:
                                                Facebook, Instagramor Flickr.