Sylvain replied to the topic food not so rummy in the forum The Shark Tank Feedback Forum 10y, 5mo ago
Aside from the lack of focus there are many other areas for improvements – get rid of yellow cast and increase lighting; remove highlights on ramequin; get the whole plate in the frame; have a straight mat; make sure lettuce is not wilted; clone out the distracting lines in the lower right corner; and most of all, make certain it is a veggie…[Read more]
Sylvain replied to the topic in dads hands in the forum The Shark Tank Feedback Forum 10y, 5mo ago
I like the well manicured finger nails. Would have like to see a little bit of the baby’s features but I think it is an interesting photo.Check It Out
Sylvain replied to the topic Taken in Cape Town.Focus is not just the model the wording to her left. in the forum The Shark Tank Feedback Forum 10y, 5mo ago
Not a bad shot but I find the contrast too strong. There are no details at all in the blacks. There is also an halo behind the legs and around the head. I also find that there is no center of interest as my eyes and my eyes keep wandering especially at the feet. Check It Out
Sylvain replied to the topic Blue Heron In flight in the forum The Shark Tank Feedback Forum 10y, 5mo ago
By daren, I meant darken.
Check It Out -
Sylvain replied to the topic Row of Palm Trees at Shired Beach, FL in the forum The Shark Tank Feedback Forum 10y, 5mo ago
Thanks Arthur for the suggestion. I have other shots from the beach and I might be able to close some of it from them.
Sylvain replied to the topic Row of Palm Trees at Shired Beach, FL in the forum The Shark Tank Feedback Forum 10y, 5mo ago
Here Tobie, this is the color version of the Palm Trees. Sand is not much more detailed. I<ll have to look at it closely see if I can extract some detail. I could use detail extractor from Nik possibly.
20140314_9924 copy copy.jpg by Irene Quirion on Light StalkingCheck It Out
Sylvain replied to the topic Brugge 2 in the forum The Shark Tank Feedback Forum 10y, 5mo ago
Beautiful shot. Rich colors. My only suggestion would be to dodge some of the wash out light on the white building.
I do enjoy wide angle distortions. It reminds me of the Bedroom of Van Gogh. I find it very artistic as opposed to symmetrical or architectural.
Sylvain replied to the topic Blue Heron In flight in the forum The Shark Tank Feedback Forum 10y, 5mo ago
Very lovely picture. My suggestions would be to crop out the out of focus greenery in the front to the first log. I would also crop some of the space on the left to bring my heron more to a third of rule corner. I would daren and desaturate background and increase the light on the heron.
It is for you to see if you have enough res and…[Read more]
Sylvain replied to the topic flower in B&W in the forum The Shark Tank Feedback Forum 10y, 5mo ago
I am not certain I like this photo. I find it lacks breathing space around and there is no contract and texture to the flowers. I would have preferred one instead of two.
Sylvain replied to the topic Row of Palm Trees at Shired Beach, FL in the forum The Shark Tank Feedback Forum 10y, 5mo ago
Thanks admin. Check It Out
Sylvain replied to the topic Any tips on a better way to crop this? in the forum The Shark Tank Feedback Forum 10y, 5mo ago
Not much to do with this photo because the focus is not there on the butterfly where it should be. Sorry.Check It Out
Sylvain replied to the topic Souvenir in the forum The Shark Tank Feedback Forum 10y, 5mo ago
Too cluttered. Your belle is one among the many. A little photoshop could do a lot. Here is what I do if it were my picture. First I would straighten your picture. Second I would gray out the background and third, I would slightly desaturate my belle -20.
My suggestions to bring the focus back to your belle. Check It Out
Sylvain replied to the topic Urban Clutter in the forum The Shark Tank Feedback Forum 10y, 5mo ago
I do like the photo. The foggy background emphasizes well the architecture of the staircase. I would suggest first as admin mentioned to make sure your staircase is leveled, which it is not right now. I would also crop out the lower portion of the building and some foreground. I would increase contrast and turn the picture into a B&W to…[Read more]
Sylvain replied to the topic Florance, Ponte Santa Trinita. in the forum The Shark Tank Feedback Forum 10y, 5mo ago
Very well done Erik. You did a great job getting rid of the background mountains. The cropping of some sky and some water give the picture a more panoramic view and make people of the bridge appear closer. Like this version very much.
Went to see your portfolio on Flickr and you have some great shots in there. Check It Out
Sylvain replied to the topic Jazzy Pink Hat in the forum The Shark Tank Feedback Forum 10y, 5mo ago
I thought I did post the information with the shot. Oh well. Something must have gone wrong. Thanks for all the constructive comments. I will clone out the two small annoyances on her bra strap.
The first photo was candid and then the young girl and her mother noticed me. I approached them, got their email address and sent them copies of…[Read more]
Sylvain replied to the topic Row of Palm Trees at Shired Beach, FL in the forum The Shark Tank Feedback Forum 10y, 5mo ago
Your are right Arthur. The sky at the right could use a little dodging. The beach in original is not actually burned out but too light to see much details. I’ll see what I can do to increase details.
Thanks again. Check It Out
Sylvain replied to the topic Shark Tank Etiquette (Please read this first) (UPDATED May 23, 2019) in the forum The Shark Tank Feedback Forum 10y, 5mo ago
I’ve joint few months ago and already posted 3-4 photos for critique. Had very constructive critiques that have enabled me to look at my photos from another angle or to correct few things I had missed.
I don’t see the purpose in getting approbation and taps on the back. I just want to get constructive criticism to improve my photo-taking…[Read more]
Sylvain replied to the topic Jazzy Pink Hat in the forum The Shark Tank Feedback Forum 10y, 5mo ago
Here is the girl full face John. Thought the picture of the profile was more interesting.
Jazzy Pink HAt Girl.jpg by Irene Quirion on Light StalkingCheck It Out
Sylvain replied to the topic Jazzy Pink Hat in the forum The Shark Tank Feedback Forum 10y, 5mo ago
Thanks to all for the comments. Arthur, I tried cropping as you suggested and it doesn’t work for me. I think the greyish, bluish colors in the dress tie to the gray background and for that reason are important. Thanks again.Check It Out
Sylvain started the topic Jazzy Pink Hat in the forum The Shark Tank Feedback Forum 10y, 5mo ago
Jazzy Pink Hat
Jazzy Pink Hat.jpg by Irene Quirion on Light StalkingCheck It Out Reply to Topic
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